Chapter Fifty One

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Four months later...


"Darshay you look like you're ready to pop!" I exclaimed, looking into the camera. Darshay and I were on FaceTime and she's gotten so big. It's been four months since I've been in California. Last time that I was there, in November, she was four months. Now, it's March and she's only got one more month to go.

"I can't wait until I pop this baby out," She whined. "My back hurts so much!"

"Poor baby," I cooed. "Where's Jacob?"

She rolled her eyes. "He went to the bar with Chresanto and Ray."

I shook my head. "You know what that means."

"They up to some shit or hiding some shit." We both said in unison.

"I wonder what the hell they've gotten in too." Darshay and I both know that the guys don't drink that often. The only time they go to the bar is because one of them are in some shit in their relationship and need the others help, or all of them are in trouble or, every once in a while they'll actually go to have a drink, but we know it's not that type of occasion. We just know.

"Maybe they're planning my post-baby shower!" She said, getting excited.

"I don't think so, mamas."

Darshay decided that she wasn't going to have a baby shower until the baby is actually born for many reasons. Half of our crew were in other states at college and couldn't come up here and plus, she wanted to give everyone a chance to see the baby once she's born so they'll have a chance to at the baby shower.

"They probably are, I have the best boyfriend ever!"

"Did you forget that he's with Chresanto and Rayan? Maybe if he was with Daniel then I could see that possibly happening, but you know Rayan and Chresanto are nothing but trouble."

"Damn, we just talking shit about our men like we're not dating them."

I laughed. "We better stop. You know Jacob be knowing when we talk about him." I said, smirking.

"Brielle stop! There is something seriously wrong with Jacob! He's a alien or something. He seriously knows when I talk shit about him."

"I keep telling you my mom dropped him on his head when he was a baby. You don't believe me though."

"She said you were lying and I believe her because you always play too much. You're never serious."

"You play too much with all that new growth."

"Hey! I'm getting my tracks redone on Friday."

"Please do because that Brazilian ain't looking so Brazilian right now."

"You always trying to flame someone with yo nappy ass hair."

"My edges is laid, honey. Baby hairs on fleek."

"They aren't baby hair they adult hairs. Lay them back please."

"You know what! I am done with you," I laughed. "Next time you come over don't use none of my edge control."

"No! You always buy the good edge control that I can't afford don't be like that. You know my edges can be on the struggle sometimes."

"Sometimes? Your edges struggle all the time don't play."

"At least my kitchen ain't nappy. Get a perm."

"If I get a perm my hair gonna fall out. My hair already thin enough because of my dad. I'm about to get me some tracks."

A Player Remade (Sequel to A Player in the Remaking)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora