Chapter Thirty Six

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I was collecting as many panties as I could at Victoria Secret. They were having their 7 for $26 again! How could you not come?

"Babe, are you finished now?" Chresanto asked me for the fifteenth time.

"Do I look finished?" I asked, with an attitude. "You didn't have to come."

"Whatever, I'm going to the food court."


I continued racking up on some panties. I probably had like fourteen pair. After standing in the long ass line, I finally purchased my stuff and went looking for Chresanto in the food court.

I looked for a good ten minutes but soon got impatient. I called his phone and it went straight to voicemail. What the fuck?

I went back to the second floor and found him by the MAC store. What the fuck is he doing there? He was talking to some girl that I didn't know. She was laughing and giggling. Flipping her hair and the whole nine.

"Who is this, sweety?" I asked, kissing his cheek.

"Oh, Brielle this is Jennifer. Jennifer this is Brielle." He said, staring at her a little to hard.

"Nice to meet you." She said, scanning me up and down.

"I could say the same."

"Well, I should be going. I have some errands to run."

"Wait, can let me get your number!"

I stood there with my mouth open completely shocked. Is he really doing this? "Are you serious?" I asked.

She handed over his phone. "Here, thanks for your help!" She said, smiling. "Bye, Brielle."

"Are you foreal?" I asked Chresanto, slamming his car door.


"Why did you ask for her number! In front if me!"

"Brielle, relax. I was getting her number for Rayan. She's in his summer tutoring class and he didn't have her number. I just ran into her while going to foot locker."

"Yeah, whatever."

"Lose the attitude." He said, slapping my thigh.

"I don't have a attitude, and stop hitting me."

"You're just over reacting like always. Calm down. Are you about to get your period?"

"No, I'm not, Chresanto."

"They why don't you believe that I was getting the number for Rayan?"

"I didn't say that I didn't believe you."

"I don't get you. You've been starting a whole lot of arguments lately."

"Because you keep doing dumb shit."

"Whatever," He said, pulling up into his driveway. "Maybe if you weren't so insecure about little ass things everything would be fine. Obviously I'm in a relationship with you not her."

"Whatever, Chresanto." I walked into his house and say my bags down in his room.

"Hi, Bri!" Lani yelled, hugging my leg.

"Hi, princess!" I exclaimed, picking her up. "Did you take your nap already?"


"Aw, Lani! You have to take your nap or you're gonna be cranky!"

"But I wanna stay up with you!"

"You have to take your nap first. If you take your nap you can stay up with me as long as you want, okay?"

A Player Remade (Sequel to A Player in the Remaking)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora