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It is way easier to write romances, if your romantic life is dull.

Why you ask me? Probably because when your romantic life is too active, you content yourself with it, you don't have to seek for that fictional world to satisfy the hopeless romantic inside you.

I've always enjoyed writing, but look at that! When I had my first boyfriend, all that creativity simply flew away! I was so absorbed in it... specially because, at first, things were just like a dream... the beginning is always like that.

It starts with a delusional thought of standing by that person's side for the rest of your lives! But problems start to appear and sometimes love isn't enough for it to work out.

- ...and I know, since I'm breaking up with you, I don't really have a word in all this, but you should probably go to a psychologist.

- I don't have mommy issues! Stop saying that! - Bet he still has, denial doesn't help.

Long story short, he didn't go to the psychologist. I don't know what made him think that drinking would be a better solution, but that's how it went!

Now you believe the relationship ends in that conversation, in which I actually say "I'm breaking up with you". But my relationship ended when my writing creativity came back. When I started daydreaming about the perfect romance instead of enjoying my own.

Did I love him? Of course I did! But as I said, love isn't enough. Neither of us were truly fighting for it to work out. He stopped trying to make time for me, he didn't give me so much attention when I was around, I just had to take care of him... some things started really bringing me down.

So there was that night... the night that changed how I perceived all that. I was out with my family and saw that really handsome guy walking around. I didn't intend on making a move on him, I knew I had a boyfriend and all that stuff. But it activated that writing instinct long forgotten...

Before I went to sleep that night, I wrote the prologue to one of my romances.

This is how boring my relationship was at that point, it was more interesting writing about a random guy than investing in my own boyfriend. I tried to fix that relationship for a few months before breaking it up, but I believe it was long dead inside me already.

And you know what? It has been way better writing those romances than living my own.

Sometimes I do get slightly interested in some guy, but I don't lead it further than the talking stage (sometimes it doesn't even get that far).

Well here's the thing: the talking stage!

That stage where the guy still seems to be so nice, interesting and lovable. That's the stage I'm going to talk about.

This is a book on how my talking (or just starring) stages inspired my romances. When that stage ends, I always have a lot to write about.

This is not about telling you that guys are no good and only the fictional ones deserve your attention (that's up to your judgement). This is about how good entering a relationship may seem at first... and how entertaining my experience with it has been.

Enjoy my suffering <3

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