02 (Collin's reaction)

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"...I blocked almost all the memories I had in our country, I didn't want to remember anything, I wanted everything to be just a bad dream... and I even forgot many things...
But I didn't know that I was someone who made others feel comfortable, that I was funny, or even that I treated others well... I never thought I was good enough for someone or thought I was a good person... I always considered myself mediocre and forgettable..."

-COLLIN (The One That Got Away)

You're a way better person than you know, Collin. I know you're trying hard to choose the right path from now on... and that's what truly matters.

I might be romanticizing many things, but one thing I know: you are who you choose to be and your past does not define you.

This is not only for Collin but for anyone who might need to hear it:

Choose to be better everyday, it already makes a big difference <3

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