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5 Year Later
Nicki's POV
August 25, 2035

"Get back Nic!", yelled Kelly making me duck and run behind the wall.

"We got 2 minutes to get outta here.", yelled Melissa.

"The car is still on we just gotta get to it.", I said.

Kelly, Melissa, and I were on a job which wasn't supposed to happen but Kelly got into something making Melissa and I come to her rescue.

We soon heard a car pull up and shots let off. I peaked my head up and seen Beyoncé holding a AK and spraying everything that moved.

Soon everything went quiet and the only thing that could be heard were shells falling.

"Come on out.", said Rihanna.

We rose up to see the men laying on the ground making me sigh.

"Explain to me why the fuck I get a call from Tiny saying y'all got trouble!", yelled Beyoncé. Melissa and I pointed to Kelly.

"Wow just childish as every.", she said shaking her head.

"We gotta roll out, 5-0 is close.", said Rihanna. Tiny got into the car we came in while I hopped in with Bey and Rihanna.

"What happened to us staying behind the curtains?", asked Rihanna.

"I know we're are supposed to but certain people take that as a sign of weakness.", said Kelly.

"Kelly we have a fucking child together, you more worried about a bitch who is below you than your child who you mean the world to.", scoffed Melissa.

"She has a point.", said Rihanna.

"Okay fine I'll back off, but who's gonna handle business?", asked Kelly.

"Michelle, Wayne, and Drake.", said Beyoncé.

"Just fucking wonderful.", said Kelly.

"Hold up the girls are calling.", said Rihanna. She answered the call.

"Ms.Maraj I'm sorry to bother you but your daughters have got into a physical altercation with a student and have to be picked up.", said the principal.

"Which daughters Principal Henson?", I asked. Luckily Taraji and I used to kick it back in the day.

"The triplets.", she sighed.

"Wait a damn minute, the triplets are in fucking high school why is the mi—

"Oh they walked to the middle school and beat the shi—

She cleared her throats.

"They walked to the middle school and assaulted 2 of the students.", she said.

"Well then, we'll be on the way.", said Beyoncé.

"Welp looks like we're going to the damn school.", I sighed.

"How much you wanna bet the two kids have bruised faces?", asked Kelly.

"You think I'm crazy, I know my nieces.", said Melissa.

"I know y'all not back there betting on my damn kids.", said Rihanna shaking her head.

It's been 15 years and lemme say we all have grown. My Imani is 16 years old and she's growing so fast. She still sticks to her lonesome of course unless with the triplets who look up to her like she's a mother in her own way.

The twins stick to themselves, of course Rumi spends her time watching over her brother. The triplets are like bodyguards with the twins. Here and there they've tried to punk them but those twins are true firecrackers, especially Rumi.

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