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Rihanna's POV

I pulled up to the restaurant to see smoke filling the inside and Nicki on the ground with Tiny trying to console her.

"What happened Munchkin, where's Beyoncé?", I asked.

"She t-told me t-to leave and she hasn't come out ever since.", she said trying to gather herself. I mentally cursed before running into the building.

Beyoncé was laid out on the floor with a trail of blood behind her. I quickly picked her up and rushed out of the building.

"Come on baby, we have to go.", I said getting into the car with a bleeding Beyoncé.

She just stood stuck looking at Beyoncé's blood soaked shirt. I sighed laying Beyoncé down slowly and running to Nicki.

"Baby I know a lot is happening but I need you to stay with me okay?", I asked cupping her cheeks with my bloody hands.

"Come on we gotta be strong for babygirl.", I said and she nodded wiping her nose. She got herself together and got into the car.

I got in on the other side and laid Beyoncé's head on my legs. Her jaw looked irritated and that's when I saw the problem.

Her arm had a stab wound that was gushing blood. She was losing more blood than ever.

"Boss umm there's a problem.", said Tiny. I looked up to see 3 black trucks blocking the road to the hospital. 4 men got out of all of them with automatic weapons.

"FUCK!", i yelled punching the seat.

"This car is bullet proof right?", asked Nicki.

"Yeah but we need to get to the hospital.", said Tiny.

"Go to the house.", she said.


"GO NOW!", she yelled.

Tiny sighed before putting the truck in reverse and speeding off.

I reached in the back for a shirt and began to wrap it around Beyoncé's arm. It was like magic how the red turned the white shirt.

"I know you're following me, I need you at the address I'm about to send you.", said Nicki while she held the phone to her ear.

"Look i never asked for much, but I need you now. ", she said holding back tears.

"Thank you.", she said before hanging up.

"Who was that?", I asked.

She wiped her tears and looked at me, "someone to help her."

"When we make it to the house you will both go straight into the house, put the house on lockdown, the kids are there already.", said Tiny pulling up to the gate.

He informed the gatekeeper it was a code red and sped down the driveway.

I grabbed Beyoncé and Nicki opened the door for me. Just as we made it into the house one of the black trucks pulled into the gate. The man stepped out of the car sending a rocket to the truck with Tiny in it.

I immediately closed the door stopping Nicki from going out there.

I carried Beyoncé to the kitchen floor her eyes slowly open. A smile appeared on her face as she looked into my eyes.

"Babygirl you're bleeding out, I need you to be careful.", I said stroking her cheek.

"I killed her.", she chuckled.

"Who?", I asked confused.

"Erica, t-that bitc—

Before she could finish blood spewed out of her mouth.

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