Chapter 2 - Getting Accustomed

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10 minutes later...

You were wandering around the base in your CMC armor checking its condition alongside the humanized SCV. She mostly performed some repairs here and there, while you just tested the base's structures.

You noticed three supply depots at the base neatly built in a corner.

You noticed three supply depots at the base neatly built in a corner

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You went to one of them and turned it on. It's still working, despite how long it has been abandoned. Adjutant 20-05 suddenly made a communication to you.

Adjutant 20-05: Commander. I have given you full control over this base. Unfortunately, these older-model supply depots will not be able to lower themselves into the ground like other models.

You: Shoot. That would have been useful.

You activated the second one, but you noticed that the third one was broken. You looked towards the human-sized SCV and called for her.

You: Hey, uhhhh... what should I call you?

The SCV noticed you next to the broken supply depot.

SCV: Oh, do you need that supply depot repaired?

You: Yeah.

SCV: Heading over now. By the way, please don't call me SCV. I have established a name for myself known as Sydney Civur. Because, well, S. Civur. SCV!

You: ...I don't get it.

Sydney just fixed up the supply depot, but then she stopped.

Sydney: It appears we have run out of minerals to fix this depot. Do not worry. Since I am an SCV, I can simply mine more minerals for us!

Sydney went to the mineral patch near the base. You watched as she used her power drill on her right arm to mine out some a chunk of five mineral crystals, then she jogged back to the command center and deposited the minerals to a sky blue chute for minerals. You watched her do this for a while, looking at her human-sized body carry massive mineral crystals back to the command center. But on the tenth time, Adjutant 20-05 suggested something.

Adjutant 20-05: Commander. We have enough Minerals to build another SCV. Seeing as you are the only terran here, you may be able to pilot another SCV to help Sydney gather more minerals.

You: Sydney, do you mind if I build another SCV so I can help out?

Sydney: Sure!

You focused your vision on the command center, as that's where SCVs are constructed. You noticed a button on the side of your visor which says "Build SCV - Costs 50 minerals"

You: 20-05. Build an SCV.

Adjutant 20-05: Building SCV now.

The command center now had a bar with an SCV next to it.

Adjutant 20-05: This bar will inform you on how much time it takes to construct the SCV. It takes seventeen seconds to build one ready-for-use.

You waited the seventeen seconds and the 12-foot mech was dropped from a frontal hatch via the command center. You were about to enter the mech, until...

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