Chapter 15

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Kashmir Pov

I drove in my garage and after parking my car I sat inside for what seems like hours not wanting to go inside.

My heart was not in the right place, I've been thinking about Leah constantly ever since that day I saw her again and it got worst when I learn that she had my baby.

I see myself giving everything up just to be with her and my son but can I do that knowing she doesn't have feelings for me anymore.


I've been thinking about her loosing her womb after the miscarriage with our second child over two weeks ago and just the thought killed me each time. I can't wait to find out where Travon is staying may God help him and I swear on my life that I will kill him myself.

A knock on the car glass pull me from my thoughts. I look up to see Serina steering at me with nothing but lust in her eyes.

She was wearing a black and pink see through something I didn't even know what to call it because it was too revealing to call a lingerie.

I got out of the car smiling at her she was a beauty but not half as beautiful as my Leah.

I curse myself inwardly for trying to compare both women but I just couldn't help thinking about her even with my fiancee standing half naked in front of me.

"Are you ok?" She ask as I was standing in front of her.

"Yes I'm ok I was about to come in" I said before reaching back inside the car to grab her meal that she ask me to get.

Handing it to her she took it and put it on the top of the car with a mysterious grin on her face.

"You are the only food I want to eat now, I have missed you" she said before bending down in front of me fumbling the lace in my shorts.

I stilled her hands with mine

"Hey we need to talk please" I told her but she did not stopped until my shorts fell freely to my ankles along with my underpant and my cock was prancing in her face.

She ran her tongue on the base of my cock then kiss the head.

Ohhh fuck!

"We will talk later babe, right now I just want to taste you." Was her reply before she took me fully in her mouth.

As much as try to keep my thoughts her on Serina as she knelt before me working wonder with her mouth and tongue my mind kept drifting back to her.


I felt myself close to climax by just the thought of her looking so appealing today in that orange suite.

"Oh God" I whisper clenching my teeth

"You like that babe?" I heard a voice said from a distance

Opening my eyes I looked down and saw Serina taking me back inside her mouth.

"Serina" I breath as I forced my aching cock down her stretch to fit throat and her gag reflex was amazing,always had been.

Shoving my dick down her throat over and over hitting the back of her throat I felt my organism reaching it's peak and I let go filling Serina mouth with my semen.

I watched as she swallowed and lick her lips and I grin at her

"Yuh a wah little freak you know that?" I laugh.

"Yep your little freak" she reply as she stood up, " and that was amazing" she added

"Meet me inside I'm going to take a shower ok" I told her as I pull my boxers and shorts back to my waist.

"Should I join you for the second round in there?" She asked taking up the food from the top of the car.

"No I need to talk to you first" I said before entering the house from the garage.

I spend almost an hour in the shower washing away the hard on I found myself with each time Leah cross my mind.

I'm not afraid to tell Serina about my son, I'm just afraid that she will not show him the same love and affection Leah shows him.

I have never seen Serina around kids, I just know that it's been her latest idea to trapped me to this contract marriage with one but I will not have that.

And what will destroy this contract marriage faster than she will ever say "I do" will be her mistreating my child.

Stepping from the shower I wrapped a towel around my waist before entering the room.

Serina was laying in bed scrolling through her phone.

Walking to the closet I pull on a underpant and a simple polo shorts.

"What's up babe? What is it that you want to talk to me about?" She ask looking at me for a brief moment before looking back at her phone.

No deep breath was taken, I will not beat around the bush with this topic. It's not like I was seeking approval from her or anybody to be in my child life.

"I just found out that I fathered a child" I told her sitting on the bed next to her.

Her head snapped up from whatever she was looking at in her phone and the phone was now face down on the bed.

"What!?" She stutters a bit

"Yup, I'm a father to a 4 year old little boy" I smile at her proudly.

"How? When? Where is he? She asked all at once.

Taking it as a good sign that she is excited about the news I told her that I just found out and that his mother kept him away from me.

"Who is she?" She then ask looking at me with something in her eyes that look like hurt or something close to it.

"That's not what is important, I just want you to know that I father a child and I'll be spending time around him getting to know him and since we will be married for a year you will be spending time around him also"

"And will you be spending time around the mother also? Is she the reason why you have been distant over the weeks?" She ask.


"Kashmir? Is he a love child?" She cuts me off to ask.

I rose from the bed "Serina I don't know what your driving at but the mother and I are not together"

"The way your avoiding talking about her is not sitting well with me Kashmir and please to remember you sign a contract and we had an agreement that none of us should be seen or have any idea of dating outside the contract"

"Serina I told you that I have a son and the only reason I did is because your in my life and he will be too so if this is going to create a problem for you please to let me know from now so that I can take my loses from this contract"

She was silent for a minute

"Of course he is a love child, you wanting to willingly throw away such a huge sum of money because of a child you just learn about confirms that he is" she said in tears.

"He is my son? Whether I just found out about him or not he is my first child and I will give up everything that I labour for just to be in his life if you have a problem with me playing my roll as a father to him. All these sorounding us are material things he is my fucking son! What will you have me do choose all these over him!?" I said raising my voice at her.

"I will never and can never do that" I answered my own question.

"Kashmir I'm not asking you to choose and I would never ask you to, he is your son so I will love him as much as I love you, I'm just not comfortable with you refusing to open up a little about his mother" she said and I look away.

"I'm ready to be a mother to him if he should live with us" she added and I look back at her.

"Meaning?" I asked

"He is your child you can always take him and we raise him together that is what-"

"I will never take him away from her Serina, I will never do that " I cut her off instantly.

She got up and walked out of the room fuming.

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