The beginning

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Hey before this story starts I would like to say don't mind the picture I just put something random there, maybe it will have something to do with this part maybe it won't, who knows?

Oh and I will warn you if any smut will be in any chapters and I will say when it's happening, and for your information no smut in this chapter since it's just chapter 1 lmao.

And I have not read the comic in webtoon for a while so the characters may not act like their canon selves like at all, or they might slightly act cannon but in reality they don't, anyways enjoy!

Tobias POV:
I looked down at my hand. The sight of red and maybe some fur, and a knife. That was all I saw. I don't know why but it fascinated me, to see how these animals died.

I didn't know what I was doing half of the time I spent in the woods. But this poor cat was just there at the time, but now wasn't the time to feel pity for it. I quickly got up and started walking home, but then I felt a pair of eyes on me. Was someone watching me? Maybe I should get rid of the witness. No. I've never done that before, so I shouldn't try it now. Or have I? I'm not sure. Either way I didn't want to risk the chances of being sloppy or the person fighting back. I didn't have much strength.

?? POV:
I was stalking Tobias per usual, when I saw him stab a cat. It was a wonderful sight, so intriguing how he stabbed the cat, no emotions at all. It amused me to see him continue to stab the lifeless body of the cat, making sure it was dead, and yet I think he knew it was. I wanted him to teach me. I needed him to teach me.

I need him to teach me how to kill.

Tobias POV:
I walked home, and went inside. I ignored everyone who was either talking to me or ignoring me, it didn't matter. The only person I would actually acknowledge was my father or my fragile brother, Mattias. I went into my room and sat down on my bed, ready for another "dream." But surprisingly there was none, in fact I didn't necessarily get a happy dream either, since it was just pitch black the entire night. Then it was time for school the next day.

(I forget if Tobias used lockers or not so let's just say he does)

I went up to my locker and unlocked it using the same code I would normally do. 31..23..something didn't matter.

I grabbed a few things, then suddenly A familiar (orange? Or maybe yellow?? 😧 Yellow orange???) Haired guy came up to me, wearing a headband. I knew instantly that it was Rudolph, I still wondered why he talks to me.

Rudolph's POV:
"Hey Tobias!" I say to Tobias as I walk up to him.
(I forget how their conversations are so it might be weird)
"Uh hey" Tobias says.
I shake off the fact that tobias isn't really talkative right now and continue talking.
"So how are you?"
"I'm fine"
"That's good"
I wanted to slowly back away and have tobias forget that I spoke to him, but I couldn't give up.
"Do you have any other friends besides me?" I ask him full of hope.
"Not that I'm aware of" he replied, which made me sink down into an awkward despair.
"But..Emilio has been trying to talk to me lately." Tobias says.
Normally I would be happy that someone's trying to at least talk to Tobias, but then when I heard that it was Emilio, I almost face palmed myself. I kept it in, and didn't show how I was feeling. I figured I could just cut away the awkwardness later.
"Oh that's cool, but you should be cautious around him, he's the odd type.." I say trying my best to be subtle about it.
"And why is that?" Tobias asks me.
"Well you see-" I say before I'm interrupted by the bell.
"Well it's class time now, cya I guess" Tobias says, and he walks away. This time I did actually face palm myself. It was so awkward I couldn't bear it anymore. I ran to the nearest bathroom.

(This is the end of this chapter, wow I never thought I would wright this much :'] I'm almost proud. I don't know when the next chapter will be but stay tuned for it if you want! :] Can't wait to see your comments and stuff lmao some of you people crack me up ✨💅)

 I don't know when the next chapter will be but stay tuned for it if you want! :] Can't wait to see your comments and stuff lmao some of you people crack me up ✨💅)

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Possibly a Tobias x Emilio ghost eyes storyWhere stories live. Discover now