The encounter

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Sup everyone! no smut in this part (maybe in later parts along the story) so sorry for everyone who was hoping for that, bear with me hear I can only update so fast lol anyways here are today's chapter warnings
if you are uncomfortable with any of these then I advice you to please click off this chapter and maybe read something else, or come back if you feel that your okay to read this or once your ready, now with all that said, enjoy!
(Reminder I haven't read the webtoon comic ghost eyes for a while now so the characters may not act like their canon selves or they may act like there canon selves but in reality they aren't, but this is just fan fiction so that's okay)

Tobias POV:
I went to class since the bell had rang, Rudolph was interesting I guess, but his conversations with me..well he tries too hard.

At least that's what I think.

Class was boring, and id rather not reminisce.

I got up for lunch since class was over, and went into the classroom I normally eat lunch at. I was just poking around at my apple with my fork, when suddenly the classroom door had opened. I looked up to see someone with black hair and distinct purple eyes walk in the room. Emilio Murkemere. He sat down at a table, not close to mine, but still a decent amount away. I looked at him, but he was just sitting there reading.

"So why are you here?" I asked.
Suddenly Emilio turned to me, and took something out of his pocket.

(Warning I completely forget how this goes so I'm just going to do it my way I guess lol so whatever your expecting to happen, brace yourself)

He took out what seemed like a medium sized piece of paper, and he turned it to me. I was shocked. I wasn't going to bother reading it untill I saw the word "kill."

I slowly read it all, afraid of what might be on there, but at the same time not.








I didn't know what he was asking of me. I didn't know what to say. "What?-" I say before being interrupted.
"Tobias schneien (forgot how to spell his last name) age 15, lives in a church with apparently more than 15 siblings.." Emilio begins. I quickly got up from my seat, not knowing what the heck was happening, but doing so, he got up too. "You have an uncle named Luther who picks you up after school, he calls you "Iceman," why is that?"

I started backing up.

He only came closer.

"You really intrigued me when I first laid my eyes on you Tobias.."

He got closer.

I backed up into the wall.

"You really are something different, your not like anyone else, tell me Tobias who are you really?"

Emilio says, getting really close, almost face to face with me. It was too little space. Too little space between us. It was getting almost claustrophobic. How did he know so much, and why.

He somehow managed to get closer.

"You amaze me Tobias, I mean really how many people on this earth are like you? You must be the only's impossible for there to be more"
He says.
"And then, when I followed you like I normally do-"

He says, and then pauses.

Wait normally?-

"You killed that cat.."

He says.

Shit. He was the one who was watching me, wasn't he.

"And I watched in could you do that without any emotions? How could you kill so flawlessly like that..I need you to teach me, I kept on thinking."

Crazy. He's crazy. Back up. Back up. Back up.

"So please Tobias. Teach me how to kill." Emilio says, finishing up on what he was saying.

I realized I hadn't been breathing. I dashed to the left and ran out the classroom taking a breath. It seems school is already over. What a relief. Now I can go home and-

"Tobias? Why are you running away?"

Is all I heard before I went sprinting out back to the woods.

(OK! I finally did it :'] I hope everyone has enjoyed so far, and I hope your sort of on the edge of your seat so stay tuned for the next part, for it will probably be more interesting than this lol, well hope you enjoyed thanks for sticking around this long!!)

Possibly a Tobias x Emilio ghost eyes storyWhere stories live. Discover now