"Punish me"

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Hello, everyone.
This story has gotten pretty popular, even though there are only 2 published parts that my younger self had created a year or so ago. So, by popular demand, (2 people LOL-) I am finally writing this chapter. At 4 AM. Because I can't sleep. So without further ado, you all know the drill. Warning time!
Here are today's chapter warnings:
If you are uncomfortable with any of these then I advise you to please click off this chapter and maybe read something else, or come back if you feel that your ready to read. Please heed my warning if you are sensitive to any of these 5 topics. If you relate to anything in this chapter, please seek help.
Possible sexual tension in this chapter,
not heavy, just extremely uncomfortable.
(New reminder, I have been up to date with ghost eyes, however, I forget most of the important stuff from the beginning of the comic. Please excuse any non cannon behavior, for this is fanfiction, and it really does not matter. Thank you for reading this, enjoy your chapter!)

Tobias Pov:

I thought I was running forever.

Seconds felt like minutes, minutes felt like hours, hours felt like days, and days felt like weeks, and weeks felt like months, and months.. felt like seconds all over again.

I eventually got tired and had to stop. My breath was short, too short. What was wrong with me? Am I really running from something so insignificant? But then again, Emilio.. frightens me. why must my body betray my mind like this.

Candy eyes dipped in cyanide.


How could I not fear them?

But I would never show my fear, no, I'd run away instead. Like a coward.
Suddenly, I heard a rustling of the bushes. I was alert, and had no choice but to reach for the knife hidden away in my pocket. I don't know what came over me, but before Emilio could speak a single word, I stabbed him. It wasn't like the cat. The cat screamed, screeched, and wouldn't shut up until I killed it then and there. But Emilio.. he just stares at me, blood running down his arm.

Emilio starts, but then I realize. He's weaponless. I quickly took the knife out from where I had stabbed him, and dropped the knife. What just came over me? Why did I do that? And why do I wish to do it again?


I can't. Father would be so angry at me.
He would..
He would punish me.
I need to be punished and cleansed of my sins.
I need to-

"Why did you stop?"
A voice interrupted my thoughts. Emilio spoke to me. I stared at him, eyes wide as I realized I was panicking. I can't breathe.

"Kill me.. like you did the cat"
Emilio suddenly said, smiling.
I couldn't take his Cheshire smile.
I shook my head, feeling my brain pound away at my skull.

"No, I-"
I said, but stopped, realizing I would be frantic.

"Punish me."
I said, staring at Emilio.


"Punish me. I had no right to hurt you. You weren't going to hurt me, so I deserve to be punished."

I stared at him, no longer afraid to face his eyes. He seemed to stare right back at mine, but not just at my eyes.. at my soul. More blood poured down Emilio's arm, before he chuckled, and smiled.

"So, does this mean you'll finally teach me how to kill.. with you as my victim?"
He asks, staring straight at me. I stare at him a bit, thinking.

He's crazy.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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Possibly a Tobias x Emilio ghost eyes storyWhere stories live. Discover now