𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝔀𝓸-𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓸𝓷𝓮

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"Esther! Esther. Esther," Eddie said, poking Esther's arm to wake her.

"What?" She groaned, smacking Eddie's hand away.

"It's 7:00." He sighed, hopping off her bed as Esther shot up.

"Fuck. Do I look horrible?" She asked, jumping out of her bed and raking her fingers through her hair..

"Yes," Eddie said, giving her a once over. Her hair had accumulated into a birds nest, her hair frizzing without being put into braids. Her clothes were wrinkled and in disarray.

"Wow. Least you're honest. And by the way, you don't look too hot yourself," She said, walking towards the mirror on the opposite side of the room, sighing as she saw her reflection. She grabbed her comb, which was sitting atop her desk, and tried to comb her hair. She'd been just about to give up and throw it into a bun, when Ryan burst through the door, took a look around, a walked back out again, slamming the door behind her.

"What the hell?" Eddie asked, walking towards the door and pulling it open. "What's wrong with you, Little Esther?"

"Escuse me, for not being interested in my sister's sex life." Ryan retorted, surprising Eddie and Esther.

"What?" Esther and Eddie said at the same time, genuinely confused.

"You're telling me that you two haven't been doing the devil's tango for the last 5 hours?" Ryan asked, raising an eyebrow as Eddie and Esther stared at her in confused silence.

"What?" Esther asked, breaking the silence.

"You two look like you just had sex. I feel disgusting being in this room. Hell, for standing outside this room." Ryan said, a slight look of disgust evident on her face.

Now, it was Eddie's turn to ask "What?" as he looked between him and Esther, where she was standing still at the mirror, and where he was, still standing by the bed.

"One, no we didn't. Ew. Two, you think Eddie could last 5 hours, dipshit?" Esther said, going back to fix her hair.

Ryan rolled her eyes. "Well, I'm ready. Maybe I should be the one driving, since you two aren't. Whatever the reason..." She trailed off, looking at Eddie, who was looking at his own clothes, trying his best to adjust them.

"No, we're ready now. Let's go," Esther said, finishing her hair and tossing Eddie his keys from the desk, proceeding to usher him out and down the stairs.

"Anne! Ryan, Eddie ve ben gidiyoruz!" Esther yelled to her mother as she pulled Eddie and Ryan out the door, not bothering to wait for a response.

"Shotgun!" Ryan yelled, running towards Eddie's van. Esther looked at Eddie, but he just shrugged, as if to say "She said shotgun."

Esther rolled her eyes, and climbed in the back, sighing loudly as she avoided hitting her head. Settling into the seat, she saw Eddie's vest she'd tossed aside earlier. Picking it up, she brushed off crumbs that had found their way onto it and handed it back, which Eddie took and slid on.

"Can I choose music?" Ryan asked, going to fiddle with the radio.

"Depends," Eddie said, sticking the keys in the ignition. "Do you still like Tom Waits?" He raised an eyebrow while looking over his shoulder to back out of the driveway and onto the main road towards Hawkins High School.

"Yes?" Ryan replied hesitantly, pausing to listen to a station before turning the knob once again.

"Then, uh, paws off." He smiled fakely at her, making her scoff and sit back in her seat. "You need to listen to some real music anyways. Esther, turn to 97.7.".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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