Chapter 2

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"No. Y-You can't-t hav-v-v-ve her." Peter stumbled. He could picture a crystal-clear image of Tony's mouth gaped open, and his voice box unable to produce words.

"Shut up, Parker." One of the men muttered, loud enough for Tony to hear but just quiet enough for it to be in a tone where it didn't sound intentional. When Peter attempted to say another sentence, he got a black eye of his own. Now him and a villain could be twins. Great. "Stunned, Stark? We won't kill her. Just bring her here by noon tomorrow and we won't kill Peter here." 

"Don't-t. Don't do it-t Mr. Stark, I'll be f-f-fine." Peter's tongue was tripping over his own sentences. No way were they going to get Morgan, not while Peter was still alive. He would gladly let the villains kill him if it meant keeping her safe. And he would do so without thinking, he would take a bullet for the girl in a heartbeat.

"We told you to be quiet!" One spoke through semi-clenched teeth. It earned Peter a kick to the stomach, which in returned he gave them a loud grunt. 

"I- You- Th- Mor- N-" Tony was trying to formulate a response. Either that, or he already had one and was still in too much shock to say anything. If he did have a response, Peter hoped it was along the lines of him refusing to give Morgan up.

"Noon. Tomorrow. Or the kid dies." They then fumbled around with the mask enough to hang up the call and then they put the headpiece in their back pocket. And just walked out.

Peter had to find a way out of this cell, but how?

He examined all around him. He had noticed a vent just above him when he first got here, but he had been too weak before. That was when they were torturing him. Even just thinking about that word, torture, now made Peter want to hide under a blanket. The fact that he had experienced it, firsthand, made him cringe and his memory flood back to the time.

~le flashback~

Peter had woken up confused and disoriented. He didn't know where he was, how he had gotten here, why he was here. The room where he was in was terribly cold, and he felt rope tied tightly around his wrists. His eyes shot open to see three men around him. one had a taser that he was sparking on and off, as if proving that it was working. Another had a gun that he was holding loosely. The third had no weapon whatsoever but was standing in front of Peter. Peter was scared and was only in his plaid boxers. He knew what was going to happen, he had seen how this played out in the movies. The man with no weapon strode over to him and knelt down to his level. Peter's back leaned back into the cold metal chair, fully aware of the fact that it should tip over. But it didn't. When Peter looked down, he saw that the feet of the chair were bolted to the ground.

Then he got slapped across the face. "Nah ah ah. Eyes on me" The guard said. "My name is Nio, and I already know yours." He stopped talking as if waiting for an answer. When Peter didn't give one, he started to pace around in front of Peter. "We want to know only one thing, just the one" Nio stopped talking again. "Where is Morgan Stark and how do we get to her?"

Peter didn't remember much after that. And what he did remember, it wasn't pretty. He remembers electricity coursing through his veins, a gunshot being fired, being hit on the head with something. He remembers pain.

~end of le flashback~

Peter touched the spot on his head where he had been hit when he first arrived. It was sticky with dry blood. He looks at his hand and, on his fingertips, he sees the dark red. He also sees the metal chains that are sheathed with ice. He looks around him and out the doors of his cell. No guards for miles. 

He took on shaky hand and broke the chain. Peter repeated the action on the other cuff and jumped upwards to the vent. His feet stuck to the ceiling as his hand worked on ripping off the metal bars that were covering the vent. He threw the cold metal piece down and did the same for the actual vent top. Then, he crawled into the ventilation system.

a/n: okay so i know i posted this early but i was excited and i left y'all on a cliffhanger so here :D im such a good human i know! uhm this may happen a lot was well so.... lets just say i won't post late and i'll only post early. deal? okay cool.

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