Chapter 13

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"No, it's too risky."

"It's the smarter move, I don't want a bigger issue here!"

"Stark, I'm telling you-"

"Peter? Pete, can you hear me? Pete- No no no, PETER!"

That's the basic idea of what Peter was hearing as he drifted in and out of consciousness. When he woke up again, he was laying down in a soft bed. Silky sheets engulfed him as his eyes opened slowly. The ceiling above him held a fan, and a few lights that were dimmed at the moment. Someone opened the door with their back, holding a tray of food. When they turned around, the face of Mr. Stark was revealed and the sound of plates breaking echoed in Peter's ear. "Pete- hey are you okay?" Mr. Stark ran over to Peter and touched his face gently. 

"I- I'm okay. Where-"

"You're in the guest bedroom."


"Well, me and Potts decided that you should stay here for a bit. Y'know, with everything that's going on- but you don't have to! If you don't want to that's totally fine, I mean it was just an idea. It was a longshot that you would want to, but my door is always open if you every want to; I hope you know-"

"Mr. Stark- It- It sounds great." 

"Okay, okay yeah yeah good, okay. Uhm your stuff is already here because we were kinda going to force you to stay anyways. I'm gonna go re-make your food. Bye, kid."

~le time skip~ 

Peter stayed in his bed for a bit to recover his strength. With anybody else he would try to refuse help and say he could do it on his own. But Mr. Stark was different. It was the closest thing to a father that Peter has ever had since he was six. With the help of the Stark family, he was walking within two days and eating at the dinner table. 

Morgan was just amazing 24/7. She was always a ray of sunshine and never wanted to stop playing. Although, whenever they would play with her Beauty and the Beast dolls, Peter never got to be Belle. He pretended that it was bothersome to him, but he couldn't care less. As long as she was happy, that was all that Peter had cared about since the day he met her.

Almost a week later Peter seemed to be fine.


Seemed to be.

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