Chapter 9

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So your girlfriend's best friend texted you last night with some pretty serious allegations. She thinks that Leah is cheating on you with Jimmy, and you don't have any reason to completely disregard her claims.

You and Trinity have been friends longer than you and Leah have even known each other, so for her to lie about something like this is pretty far-fetched.

Still, Leah cheating? What would she have to gain from that?

You sit up in bed and look down at her, momentarily watching her sleep. Come to think of it, what Trinity said kind of makes sense. It definitely serves to explain why it seems she's been dodging you; she's cheating and trying to hide it.

Ugh, all this existential crisis shit is making you hungry. You head over to your suitcase and grab a pair of shorts, then put them on as you dig through your snack stash. A handful of various sugary foods later, you're ready to start your day.


You hear the vibration of your phone against the table and wonder who it could be. Maybe it's Trinity, looking to back up her claims? Maybe it's Jimmy, hoping to make a confession?

Becky: hey, do u wanna hang out again?

You: what'd you have in mind?

Becky: I saw a cool mall the other day. we could go there?

You: sure, I'm down

Becky: awesome, cya soon!

Okay, so I guess you'll be going to the mall with Becky after awhile? That's totally cool with you. You need some stuff anyway.

Just as you're about to put a shirt on, you hear a knock at the door. For fuck's sake, can a guy get a break? Upon answering it you find Trinity standing there in a bikini. She doesn't even say anything or allude as to why she's half-naked, but barges in and makes sure Leah is still asleep.

"Good," she says in a quiet, relieved tone. "I figured she'd still be asleep."

"Care to explain to me what's going on?" you ask, neglecting to beat around the bush. Last night she accused your girlfriend of cheating (after you two had just had some extra steamy sex). Now she's just barged into your hotel room. Some answers would be nice.

"Not here. Meet me in the pool in a few minutes." At least you have the explanation for the bikini. She must have been on her way down to the pool for a morning swim, but she decided to double back and see if she could kill two birds with one stone.

Trinity leaves before you have a chance to respond, so you have no choice but to put on a pair of swim trunks and follow her down to the hotel's pool. Once inside, she descends into the hot tub and motions for you to join her.

"Once again, are you going to explain what's going on?" you ask as you take a seat next to her. She takes a deep breath and stares forward.

"I'm pretty sure our significant others are cheating on us with each other," she explains, reiterating the claim she made last night via text.

"Do you have any actual proof?" She's made a pretty serious claim, so you're going to need her to back it up. You're really hoping she can't, and het argument is purely speculation.

"Um... technically, but it's not 100% incriminating," Trinity replies in an unsure tone. Well, what the fuck does that mean? "See, I searched Jimmy's phone and saw some texts between him and Leah. At first glance it was normal conversation, but it was weird."

"Did it seem like they were talking in code or something?" you ask, trying to fill in the blanks. She nods, letting you know that's exactly what she meant.

"Anyway, it made me suspicious. I did some more digging until I found a locked folder labeled "SummerSlam 2022" in his gallery. I tried every code to unlock it, but I couldn't crack it."

"SummerSlam 2022... isn't that...?" Your brain wanders ahead to SummerSlam, where a few very important events are going to occur. Does the folder contain something that relates to that, or maybe something that sets up events to follow?

"That was my thought, too. Whatever this folder is, it can't be good. We need to get it open before Sunday," she says, reminding you that SummerSlam is right around the corner. As a matter of fact, it takes place this Sunday. If it's currently Thursday morning, that gives you (mostly) three days to get that folder open.

You ask, "How do you propose we do that?"

Trinity chews her lip for a moment, trying to think of a solution. She finally says, "Well... Leah does think you're kinda dumb. Maybe she got cocky and left the passcode in her phone?"

"Thanks for that little tidbit," you reply sourly, to which she reassuringly rubs your shoulder. She has a point, though; Leah has made it very clear time and time again that she thinks she's smarter than you. If that's the case, she might not expect you to check her phone, and therefore she might not have deleted every little thing. "I just really hope we're wrong..."

"I'm starting to feel like you don't trust me," Trinity replies, looking over at you with a little concern in her eyes.

"I mean, kinda. Doesn't this all feel a little convenient?"

"What do you mean?"

"My girlfriend's best friend comes to me and tells me she's cheating, but that's not even the best part!" you say with a subtle laugh. "Apparently, I'm the only one that can prove it... and to do that, I have to completely invade her privacy."

"Fuck it, I'll prove I'm being serious." Trinity quickly climbs into your lap and kisses your lips passionately. The embrace lasts for a few seconds before she finally pulls away and glares at you. "Do you believe me now?"

"Uh... that was cool and all, but what exactly did that prove?" you ask slowly, still recovering from the shock of Trinity kissing you. Weren't expecting that one, were you?

"You know me, Y/N. Am I the type to cheat?" she asks in an earnest tone. Come to think of it, she is pretty loyal. "Think about it: would I throw shade at my bestie for no reason? Would I cheat on Jimmy if it weren't important?"

You think back to last night. No, not the butt stuff with Leah you fucking pervert, BEFORE that. Nearing the end of your night with Becky, she kissed you. You didn't count that as cheating since that was really all that happened. This isn't much different.

"I don't know if a tiny little kiss qualifies as cheating..." you trail off near the end of your sentence, realizing that she isn't talking about just kissing you. Oh fuck, here we go.

Luck of the Irish (Becky Lynch x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now