Chapter 11

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You enter the mall just before 1 and find Becky sitting there sitting on a bench near the food court. She looks extremely bored, like she's been waiting for a long time.

"You look like you've been here for hours," you joke, patting her on the shoulder. She gives a faint little chuckle, giving you the impression that your joke may not be so. "Wait, you haven't actually been here that long, have you?"

"I may 'ave lied 'bout bein' late myself," Becky explained, with more of a giggle this time. She gives you a reassuring smile. "Didn' wan' ya t' feel bad 'bout yerself."

"Well shit, that's on me I guess. Care to do some shopping, Rebecca?" you reply, leading the way into the mall. She follows close behind you, but doesn't walk directly next to you. Not gonna lie, that's a little odd.

"Call me Rebecca one mo' time an' I'll gut ya," Becky whispers, adding some faux venom to her voice. You turn around and wink, then continue walking towards your first destination: the candy shop.

"How would you like me to say it? Normally... or some other way?" Your reply shuts her up nice and quickly, forcing a change of subject as the two of you enter the store.

You both marvel over the extensive selection of sugary foods, ranging from chocolate-dipped espresso beans to the largest variety of jelly beans you've ever seen. Your hands are full before you've even made it halfway through the store.

"Got 'nuff t' eat t'ere, champ?" Becky asks, stifling a laugh as she examines your extensive pile of loot. She picks up a lollipop and winks at you before putting it back and following you.

"It's good eats!" you retort, adding another item to the stockpile. The rest of your time in the store goes similarly to this, where you grab an item and Becky makes fun of you for it. By the time you're done, you're down both $150 and your dignity. Whatever, you'll work all of it off in due time anyway.

The next store you enter is an antique store, where you find some cool stuff like vintage weapons and toys. Lots of money could definitely be spent in this store.

Personally, you don't end up buying anything. You consider the purchase of a neat little revolver made during the American Civil War, but decide against it in the end. It's a cool piece of history, but ultimately not for you. It should be cared for on a museum shelf, not collecting dust on yours.

Becky, on the other hand, comes across a sealed vintage Stone Cold Steve Austin action figure. It's apparently one of the figures of him they ever made. She, being the nerd that she is, spends $200 on it and also spends the next hour getting shit from you about it. If she gets to make fun of your snack addiction, you can make fun of her addictions as well.

The end of that hour of bullshitting each other is about when your shopping comes to a close. It's nearing 5 o'clock in the evening and the two of you will need some dinner. You're in the process of making plans with her when you get a passive-aggressive text from your girlfriend

Leah: get your ass to the hotel, I ordered dinner

You: on my way baby

"Change of plans," you tell Becky. "My girlfriend has decided that I will be dining with her this evening. Sorry."

"Yer alrigh'. Prolly fer the better anyway..." she replies in a sober tone, giving you a quick side hug. The two of you part ways, and you make your way back to the hotel; time to talk to your girlfriend for the first time since her best friend told you she's cheating on you.


You enter the hotel room to find Leah sitting on the bed eating a slice of pizza. She gives you a friendly little wave, but ultimately focuses more on the pizza. That's not atypical. After all, it's no secret that she likes food more than you. That's okay; you like food more than you as well.

You sit next to her and eat, neither of you really saying anything more than a few words here and there. Does Leah know that Trinity discovered her secret and snitched? Maybe this was all a plot to get you to cheat, and you fell for it like a fool. Yet, the night carries on and she doesn't even hint towards it. She must really not know about your conversation with Trinity, much less the steamy sex that followed.

Once your beer bottles are empty and the pizza is no more, Leah gets up and says she's going to shower. You elect not to join her this time, claiming that you plan to go work out again tonight. She rolls her eyes and slips into the bathroom, leaving her phone behind.

Now's your opportunity!

Once you hear the water turn on, you immediately rush to her phone and begin searching. You start with the most obvious place: her gallery. It contains nudes, various naughty videos, and some normal pictures (pics of her and friends, etc.) as well. Nothing really incriminating there.

However, you do find that locked "SummerSlam 2022" folder that Trinity claims is also in Jimmy's phone. That in itself definitely raises suspicion, but honestly it could be any number of things. The two of them could potentially have some kind of surprise planned for Trinity that she isn't supposed to know about; Leah and Jimmy are her best friend and husband. It's not a significant day for her in any way, though, so you doubt it's that.

You check her messages yet, scanning through several different conversations, including the ones with Trinity and Jimmy. Trinity's is completely normal, with nothing even hinting to a conspiracy between the two of them. Then again, you wouldn't have been ordered to check her phone if they had been conspiring in via text messages. Her recent chat history with Jimmy seem normal as well... too normal.

There's no hint to an affair at all, and at a glance nothing seems suspicious. Yet, the messages cover so little but are sent with such frequency that it can't possibly be normal. Affair or not, something is up between the two of them.

The rest of her phone proves just as useless. Nothing provides proof of anything sexual happening between them, and nothing even hints at being the password for that locked folder.

All you know so far is that the password is 8 characters long, and whatever is hiding inside and has something to do with the events that will occur this Sunday at SummerSlam.

Maybe you can try to guess?

Luck of the Irish (Becky Lynch x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now