Chapter 1

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AJ Styles springs off the rope to do a Phenomenal Forearm, but Y/RingN counters with a perfectly timed superkick. The counterattack leaves AJ flattened out on the mat, yet he quickly makes it back to his feet. Before he even has time to react, Y/RN nails his finisher in the middle of the ring.

He hooks AJ's leg and counts to three along with the referee, and on three he springs back up in excitement. Somehow, he's just beat AJ Styles... at WrestleMania... for the WWE Championship.

The referee hands the new champion the belt, and he gazes at it for a moment with complete ecstasy. This belt, the very same one that he used to watch legends trade at this very same event, is no longer just a concept to him. The reality is that he just won that belt.

He raises the belt and simply listened to the cheers from the fans, soaking in their energy. Life will surely never be better than this!


After a few more minutes of celebration with the fans, you make your way back through the curtain. Several people are waiting to congratulate you, even the former champion himself. It takes over ten minutes to get them all to leave, but it's all worth it. You've finally achieved your dream of being the WWE Champion.

No one can claim that you didn't work your ass off for this belt, especially considering the match you had to win just for the opportunity: the Royal Rumble. You didn't come in near the end, either; you started the match as entry number one.

Vince McMahon comes up to you last and shakes your hand before telling you to report to the interview area immediately. Typical, but you do as you're told. Waiting to interview you is Kayla Braxton, who might I add looks stunning tonight.

"Y/RN, how does it feel to have just won the WWE Championship?"

You ponder this question for a moment before replying, "Well, it feels pretty good. What's even better is knowing I earned it."

"I've heard that AJ is already demanding a rematch-"

"He's not going to get one Kayla, and you wanna know why? I beat him fair and square in the middle of the ring."

With that, you smile and go about your business. A few more of your friends congratulate you on your win on the way to the locker room, but thankfully the room itself is empty. You set the belt down and instead grab shower supplies from your bag.

Something odd happens during your shower. In the middle of washing your body, you hear yelling coming from the locker area. At first you figure it's a couple of guys messing around, but then you realizes there are both male and female voices. It doesn't sound like sex either, so they must be arguing.

The woman's accent is definitely foreign... Irish, maybe? Could it be Rebecca (Becky Lynch) out there? Who would she even be arguing with?

You finish your shower and head out to investigate. Upon entering the locker room you see Rebecca sitting silently on a bench, so you navigate around her and also dress in silence. She's so lost in her own thoughts that she barely even notices your presence.

To be honest, you kind of hoped she would leave by the time you finished getting dressed, but she hasn't even moved an inch by the time you're finished. 

You go to leave, but she stops you, "Stay."

She spoke so quietly that you didn't quite catch what she said, so you turn around and ask her to repeat herself. Once again, she simply says 'stay'. What's weird isn't that she's asked you to stay, it's why. You have no idea what happened, and she knows that. Hell, the two of you aren't even best friends or anything like that. Why would she have you stay?

"What happened?" you ask, sitting next to her. For a moment, she stares off into space. Whatever happened is apparently bad enough that it's still registering in her mind.

"Colby and I... we had an argument..."

"Well that's not so bad. Couples argue all the time."

"It wasn' like that... he said I don' hardly pay attention to 'im," she sighs, "I coulda told 'im the same, he acts like he don' want me either..."

"Okay, so what happened?"

"He got mad and called t'ings off."

"Like what, the wedding?" If he just called the wedding off, it wouldn't be so bad. It would probably be more of a precaution. Kinda just allowing more time for things to sort themselves out or something.

"Nah, ev'ryt'ing..." Rebecca starts to sob, and she leans into you for support. Not really knowing how to handle this, you wrap an arm around her and just kind of let her do her thing. Besides, she isn't going to want to be comforted right now.

"It's alright, Rebecca..." you say stupidly. No, it's really not alright. That man was her world, and he just up and left her. How are things just going to be alright after that? Here's a hint if you kids out there who don't quite understand: they're fucking not.

"T'anks for listenin'..." she sighs, a small smile tugging at her lips. It seems like your awkwardness was at least a little helpful.

"Of course. What are friends for?"

"I s'ppose..."

"That's the spirit," you declare with a dumb grin. It's so contagious that even Becky smiles a little, "Now c'mon, let's go get some snacks!"

You take her down into the parking lot, but waiting there is someone you should have expected: Colby Lopez.

"Becks-" he tries to say, but she pulls you right past him. The look he gives you murderous, but he did this to himself. He walked out on the coolest woman he's ever going to know.

You lead Becky to your car and drive away towards a gas station on the far side of town. It's more of a precaution to avoid her angry ex, though.

Collectively, the two of you spend over a hundred dollars on snacks and alcohol. It was that thing where someone just impulse buys everything that looks relatively interesting.

As you begin to drive off, Becky politely asks if she can stay the night with you (because she no longer has a hotel room). Without hesitation you agree, and you head towards the hotel.

Luck of the Irish (Becky Lynch x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now