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It's been a few months since Korra left Republic City, a few months since Zaheer threatened her life and shook her faith in herself as the avatar and as a person. With Korra's absence, you've started feeling "Team Avatar" growing apart. You've watched as you and your friends got fewer and fewer letters addressed from the Southern Water Tribe, until they stopped coming completely.

Except for Asami. She hasn't said anything, but you'd noticed that she found moments to sneak away, often returning with ink on her hands, or a bit on her cheek. You didn't mind that she hadn't told you. It wasn't much of your business, and even if it was, you trusted that Asami was only doing what she felt was best.


You wake to a knock on your door and take a breath before sitting up on your couch. You must've dozed off, because it was nearly dark outside, but you stand and make your way to the door, opening it with sleep still in your eyes.

"Hi." Your eyes focus on the girl in front of you.

"Hey, Asami." You open your door a bit more and move so she could come in. She sits down on your couch and you follow suit, a bit confused and concerned by her clear anxiety. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything is fine." She only meets your eyes once, but when she does, you feel electricity go through your body.

"What's going on?"

She was beautiful, even with the tension, and you were so mesmerized that her voice almost caught you by surprise when she spoke again.

"I'm worried about Korra. Her letters have been--" she covers her mouth, "I mean...we haven't...she hasn't..." You can't help but laugh a bit.

"Asami, it's okay. I know that she's been writing you. I'm not going to tell anyone."

Her eyes finally meet yours for more than a moment, relief in her gaze, and her hand drops, landing atop yours. You bite your tongue to keep from reacting audibly. "How....how did you know? I was so careful to not say a word!"

Spirits, she was beautiful. It took everything in you to not kiss her right then. You smile a bit.

"I just know you, Asami..." you trail off, and by her quizzical expression, she doesn't quite believe you, "and...sometimes you forget about the ink stains," you finish.

She brings her hands to her face for a moment, and you instantly feel the absence of her warmth on your own hand, silently wishing for it to return. Her hands push to the sides of her head, holding her dark hair back from her face. It seemed to be taking her a moment to process that she, perhaps, wasn't as good at keeping secrets as she thought.

"Don't worry, I doubt Mako and Bolin know. Mako might be a detective, but he's usually too busy to do any kind of critical thinking outside of work hours, and Bolin, well..." you leave it at that, making her laugh. Music to your ears.

You wonder, for a moment, if she felt the same electricity you did when your eyes met before.

You force yourself back to the reality in front of you. "You said you were worried about Korra. Has she said something in her letters?"

Asami looks up at you, centering her mind again, "Right, yeah. I don't know. Maybe I'm just spinning her letters into something they're not, but she doesn't sound like herself. I know it's only in writing, but she sounds...hollow, almost. I don't know how to help her. She's my best friend, and I don't know what she needs, and I feel like I can't even ask her because, well, you know how she is...she would never tell me anyway. I just wish there was something I could do to help her."

Your mind is racing, immediately searching for a solution. You know she didn't come here to leave without one. Perhaps your next question wasn't as well thought out as you intended, "Well, have you asked?"

She quickly responds, a bit of irritation in her voice, "Didn't you hear what I just said?"

You see immediate regret flash across her eyes, "Oh no, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean--"

"It's okay. My mouth spoke before my brain told it

She laughs, though it's a bit sad. You look at your hands for a moment, and then look at her. "I know that your company is keeping you busy day and night...but what if you took some time off to go see her? I'm sure she would love to see you, and we both know that you could use the vacation."

She shakes her head in response, "I can't leave it
unattended for that long. I barely had any time to come here. There's no way I could--"

You cut her off again before she talks herself into a panic, "Asami," you don't have time to think before your hand takes hers. Your eyes meet, but you try to not make a big deal out of it, even though your heart is pounding, "Future Industries has survived for years before you. It can manage without you for a couple of days, hell, even a couple of weeks. You deserve a break."

She looks hesitant, so you add one more thing, "I could...watch things while you're gone. Make sure everything runs smoothly?"

Her eyes soften, and she exhales, "You would do that?"

"Of course. It wouldn't be any trouble at all."

She nearly launches herself forward, wrapping her arms around your neck. It takes you by surprise, but instinctively, your arms wrap around her waist, pulling her close. She sighs into your neck, "Thank you."

You smile, the soft scent of her hair nearly removing you from reality once more. She pulls away, looking at you with the familiar joy in her eyes that she was missing when she arrived. Before you can say anything else, she leans forward and kisses you quickly. It's short, but you're shocked into silence, and you almost can't move. She stands, nearly running for the door, "I have to go. I have so much to do! Come by my house tomorrow, okay?"

You still haven't moved, your eyes following her to the door, "O-okay, yeah."

She smiles at you, only pausing once she's halfway out the door, "Thank you. Really. I'll see you tomorrow."

And just like that, she's gone. Your hand goes to your lips, feeling the only trace of her presence, and smile, praying to the Spirits that it remains until you see her again.

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