part 28. all nighters

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A couple hours later, Betty hears one of the babies crying on the baby monitor. B"mmh." She rolls of the bed. She takes the monitor and goes  to the nursery. She takes Gabriella out of the crib and feeds her. As she puts her back in the crib Isabella starts crying. She changes her and feeds her and puts her back in her crib. Betty goes back to her room and goes back to sleep. This happens over and over again all night.

The next morning
Jughead goes to work and liv is in school. Betty is with the babies all day and not getting any sleep. She calls up Cheryl. B"i desperately need someone right now, can you and Toni come over?" C"of course, you called at a good time, we really aren't doing anything." B"really thank you." C"of course B."

Half an hour later Cheryl and Toni get to Betty house and knock on the door. Betty opens the door as She is yawning. C"wow Betty, you don't look so good." T"cheryl!" Toni smacks Cheryl's arm." B"yeah, I'm just tired and not really getting any help around here." T"oh I'm so sorry, let us take care of them, you get some sleep." B"no, I dont want to do that to you guys." C"no we insist." B"well I didn't pump any milk." C"oh well, we will help around the house." B"no Cheryl, I'm really not asking you to do that, I just need a friend." T"ok, then we're here for you, but we are going to steal them from you." B"ok, be my guest." They hold the babies. B"so how is baby number 2 coming?" T"well we are trying to find the perfect sperm donor." C"yeah, can't really get pregnant without that so yeah, we're still working on it." B"thats good, and sending you some good luck." Toni and Cheryl both say thank you. C"so which one is which and how do you know?" B"well you are holding Gabriella and Toni is holding Isabella, and how I can tell is Isabella has blue eyes and Gabriella has green eyes and Isabella has a little bit more hair than Gabriella and Isabella is also a little taller." They both look confused. C"yeah see I don't think I will ever get it right, because that confused me even more." They all laugh. T"yep you and me both babe." C"wait, so you said you didn't get any help, well did hobo help you." B"nope, last night I thought maybe he would but he slept through the whole night, but I don't blame him because he works in the morning." T"yeah, but that doesn't mean he can't help at all." B"yeah I guess you're right, but I would feel guilty for waking him in the middle of the night, knowing he has working in the morning." C"yeah but he has to put in the effort they're his kids too and he got you pregnant." Betty laughs. B"yeah, you're right, thank you." They both say you're welcome.

A couple hours later Cheryl and Toni left and Jughead gets home. B"hey can you pick up liv?" J"can you pick her up today, I had a rough day at work and I'm tired." B"ok fine, are you going to watch the twin while I'm getting liv?" J"can you take the twins with you, im just too tired right now, I can't watch them." B"sure." She gets the twins ready and picks up Liv from school. O"hey mommy." B"hey bunny." She hops in the back seat with the twins. O"hey twins." They get home.

O"daddy can you help me with my homework?" J"ask mommy, im trying to sleep." O"ok." Liv runs to Betty who is doing the dishes. O"mommy can you help me with my homework?" B"bunny I'm busy, can you ask your dad?" O"he said to ask you cause he is tired." Betty exhales. B"ok bunny, one second." She finishes the dishes and helps Liv with her homework while trying to make dinner and watch the twins. She's at the stove. O"mommy, what is 4 plus 4?" She walks over to liv and puts 4 fingers up on both of her hands. B"ok bunny, how much fingers am I holding up?" O"1..2.3,4, 6...7 and 8, 4 plus 4 is 8." B"you got it baby, I have to check on the food, but keep counting with your fingers." O"ok mommy." She walks back to the stove. Isabella starts crying, Betty bouces the bouncer with her foot. Then Gabriella starts crying. O"mommy I don't know this word." B"try to pronounce it what is the p sound?" Liv makes the p sound. O"p-ow-er." B"now put it together." O"power." B"good girl, you're so smart." Jughead walks into the kitchen. B"nice of you to join us." J"im sorry." Jughead kisses liv on the head and tries to kiss Betty but she pulls away. B"can you get one of the twins or help liv with homework, I literally can not do this all by myself." J"ok." Jughead grabs Isabella and sits at the table and helps liv. Betty takes a breath of relief.

Later at night
Jughead comes into the room. J"im really sorry I didn't help you at all today, I just didn't feel good after work." B"i know and understand, but I was doing all of this all night last night and today, BY MYSELF and I had no help and I'm tired as fuck, I thought you were going to help me?" J"i am, I will." B"when, because I was only here one night and had no help." She starts to tear up. Jughead took her hands. J"look at me." She looks up at him. J"i am so sorry baby, I really should've helped you, I didn't know what you were going through, I shouldn't have acted the way I did today, but from now on, I promise that I'm going to help." B"ok thank you." He kisses her, and she kisses back. They lay down and fall asleep.

A couple hours later the babies cry, Betty grabs the baby monitor but Jughead grabs her arm. J"did you pump some milk?" B"yeah I did last night." J"ok then I got it." B"ok, thank you." J"of course baby." Jughead goes to fill bottles and goes to the nursery and changes the babies and feeds them, then goes back to the room and falls back to sleep. They take turns changing and feeding the babies throughout the night.

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