The Bunker

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It was the middle of the night when Perrie heard someone banging on the door. She hopped up checking on the baby before pulling the covers back to check Jade. Both were sound asleep. But not for long, Leigh-Anne started crying all the loud noise was hurting her ears. Perrie picked the girl up shushing her. She made her way downstairs peeking through the window through before opening the door. A man  pushed his way inside.

"Alex! What's going on?!"

"Its happening.They're fighting back, burning towns down, setting houses and businesses on fire. You've got to get out of here. You're not safe and they're not either."

"What are you saying! I don't have anywhere to go." Perrie was starting to panic.

"Come with me."

"Come with you where"

"Just come with me" She nodded handing him Leigh-Anne. She was going to get Jade. She was also looking through her drawer for her legal documents and passport.

"Perrie we don't have time!" She heard Alex from Downstairs

"Okay. Okay! Don't shout at me!" She grabbed her papers and cash that she kept for emergencies. She brought Jade downstairs.

"Take her to the car please. I have to pack their things"

"We don't have time. Perrie we have to go." Perrie ignored him packing some water and snacks for the kids. Nappies, wipes and other essentials that she knew they needed that wouldnt be accessible.

Sadly Alex was right when he said they didn't have time. A molotov was thrown into the house and it didn't take long for the fire to spread. The heavy dark smoke filling the house making it hard for them to breathe. Alex set the girls on the floor but it was too late. The damage was done.

The End

Just Kidding!

Alex had already put the children into the car. Perrie came out of the house with the large black duffle bag over her shoulder.

"They need carseats" She told him putting the bag in on the floor in the back row.


"No, They're too small." She ran to get her car keys. Alex helped Perrie transfer the car seats.

She buckled the young children in and sat in the passenger seat. Alex pulled off, about 15 minutes in Jade spoke up.


"Yes baby"

"My bambam. You left bambam"

" We have to turn around."

"We can't!"

"Please mister. He's my bestfriend" the girl said sadly. Perrie brought her a cute penguin plushie that she named bambam. Jade slept with him every night. Leigh-Anne had a plush shark but she wasnt as attached to it as Jade was to bambam.

"Baba it's okay. We will get you a new one"

"Its not the same" Jade muttered sadly.

"What the hell is going on?" Towns were burned down and there were dead bodies littering the sidewalk.

"Where are we going, Alex?" Perrie had exchanged numbers with the cop a few months back. They began talking and hit it off. But they didn't make anything official. Perrie was just focused on Leigh-Anne and Jade.

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