Chapter 1

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I'm a normal school girl and my name is Luna. I run to school every day with a piece of toast in my mouth and ride in my three-wheel car. I always dress my best in the prettiest pink schoolgirl uniform. But I have a deep dark secret. I have 2 best friends and I'm the prettiest. I also ate my twin and now I have supernatural powers. I take my yass pills with a side of Baja blast. Today is gonna be a good day. I walk to my least favorite class, girl boss pussy queen class. I levitate to my seat, right behind my crush, my sweet-savory $5 footlong baby power candle holder empanada, Ben.

I listen as Mr. Jones talks for hours about the reason I'm in love with my car is a deep relatable song. Ben looks at me and spits his gum at the teacher with such velocity it knocks him out. The bell soon rings, and we all sprint out. I go to my next class, math. I am a sophomore so I am halfway done with high school. I am deeply in love so much that I hardly pay attention to the teacher speaking but it doesn't matter because my grades are good enough to pass and not have to worry as long as I keep doing the bare minimum. I spend the whole class thinking about my favorite anime, My hero academia.

After class, I walk to lunch where I get my lunch of choccy milk, a ham sandwich, and an apple. I brought a brownie from home so I had that too. I sat down with my two dear friends, Faith and Kaylie. Kaylie was one of those alt girls and she was the prettiest girl I've ever met. Faith on the other hand wore pastel and dressed like it was the 80s and she was a big fan of Buddy Holly and most importantly, she wasn't interesting. We ate and talked about boys. Ben walked by and leaned on the table, buttcrack out plumber style,

"Hello ladies," Ben announces and smiles, taking the apple off my tray and taking a big bite. "You girls coming to cryptid meeting after school?" he smiles. 

"I can't come today, I got a date with my boyfriend at Applebees after school today," Kaylie says, looking up from her phone.

"Yeah, I think I can come. My essay about Mothman is done." Faith says, sipping her dr pepper.

"What about you, Luna." Ben looks at me, my heart skipping a beat. I swear my face lit up.

"Oh of course, always!" I smirk and nod at him, falling more and more in love with him every time he looked at me with those beautiful hazel eyes and his resemblance to the big bopper and al Capone. I felt pure joy looking at his handsome face.

"Well come to my house after school at 6 and don't be late!" he says, standing up straight and walking back to his table.

"You have to tell him how you feel." Kaylie smirks, "What are you going to do if you miss your shot?"

"Well- I don't know. I'll tell him when I'm ready." I tell her, embarrassed at the fact I haven't told him.

Kaylie gets on the phone and walks to the bathroom to talk with her boyfriend about their after-school arrangements. Faith is dating the hippie of our class, Andrew. He smokes weed and he is a pain in the ass to me. He likes to hotbox in his fourth-generation ford f150. While on that thought, he walks over and wraps his arms around her neck, kissing her cheek and playing with her hair. He was high, you could tell based on his smell. That set the two apart, Faith never did anything exciting and was very prude while her boyfriend smoked both weed and cigarettes, drank, fucked, and partied. She didn't mind cause she loved him and he loved her.

"Well well well if it isn't Esther and the jester" Andrew smirks, messing up Faith's hair.

"Hi Andrew, what's the news?" I ask, annoyed by him merely existing.

"Bro, I watched a dude rip a bowl and shit his pants in study hall," Andrew says.

"Let me guess, you were involved. You smell like a pot farm" Faith says, we both know the answer so I don't even know why she asked. He goes through his bag and sprays himself down with Axe. He did it every day so you never knew he smoked but you could always smell it. He sat down next to Faith and let Faith tie his thick mullet up. He always came to her in whatever class we were in as she also had thick curly hair.

"So what did I miss at dnd club?" Andrew asks, laying his head on the table.

"Everything Andy, mostly cause you were busy fucking your cousin," I tell him, a big shit-eating grin on my face. Faith lost it, laughing her ass off as I did too. Andrew got embarrassed and left, he didn't know how to deal with being insulted so he just left.

The lunch bell went off and I leave. I could just hover but Faith and I got the same class so I depend on our bisexual speed to get us to English class. I hate that class so much but it is so funny to watch Kaylie insult our English teacher. We go to all our classes and deal with the asshats and the fools. I have a hot date with Benjamin after school cause I know Faith is going to just play on his Xbox while I make my moves. The last bell rings and I run to my car, the three wheels and the beat-up chevy malibu look like it's begging to be torn to scraps but frankly, I'm too poor for a new car so I jump in and drive to my house so I can pet my dog. I get home, get changed into comfortable clothes and watch Netflix and cuddle with my dog, Cuba.

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