Chapter 5

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We all were comfortable and it was completely quiet until we heard shuffling and the noise of a water mattress splashing and splashing. I got up to investigate and while closer, I realized it was just Robert and Kaylie having sex. Choking and butt smacking and name-calling and loud moaning. I swear they were 1, so damn loud, and 2, they were doing it in Faith's mom's room. I left them to their business and got my drink. Andrew was asleep on the couch and Faith was completely gone. I have no clue where she went which got me a bit worried but I didn't really care to worry about it cause she's smart, she wouldn't just run out on us. 

I get my drink and go check on Andrew, who had his hair up in a bonnet which was so funny to see. I turn around to go to ben but I am interrupted by  Andrew shuffling, sitting up, and grabbing my wrist,

"Hey, I'm sorry about earlier today. Also, can you get me a Capri-sun?"He whispers and lets go of my wrist, he rubs his eyes. 

"Why don't you get it?" I ask him, and he sighs and gets up. 

"Not trying to brag or anything, but I can wake up without an alarm clock now simply due to my crippling and overwhelming anxiety, so..." He whispers to me, flashing his braces as he gives me a stressed smile. 

"I don't think that is as good as you think it sounds," I tell him. We walk to the kitchen and he gets his midnight snack and Capri-sun. 

"Oh shit, it's 2 am. Is everybody in the house?" He asks, staring at the clock.

"Yeah everybody except Faith but she's fine I assure you," I tell him.

I was right, she soon came in, dressed in her pajamas and a big coat. She was covered in snow as she quickly shut the door and took her coat, shoes, and gloves off. 

"Suprise bitches." She clasps her hands and walks over, "So what did I miss?"

"Uh 4 people had sex and I ate 7 melatonin gummies but they didn't work as you may guess." Andrew tells her and pulls me close, "Plus we became friends."

"Oh neat, anyways you want coffee or hot chocolate or something?" She asks us, getting the Keurig ready.  We tell her what we want and she did just that. She gave us such adorable mugs. 

"Anyways what are we going to do about Ben? his face is probably on a milk carton by now." She says to us.

"The snow is at the least risk right now so he can leave before his mom like gets home," Andrew says.

"What the fuck do you know about snow?" I ask him, this is the first time he has seen real snow.

"I know enough that it will be worse in the morning. The weather channel said so!" he tells us.

"Go wake him and see if he wants to leave now or just make an excuse in the morning." She tells me. The two go sit down to watch tv and drink hot chocolate. I go to Ben and shake him a bit,

"Hey, you going to leave? Your mom is going to have our heads on a stick if you don't get up" I tell him,

"I'll be fine." He tells me, getting up to get dressed. He checks the time and rushes to get dressed. "Oh shit, it's later than I thought. I got to go!" he says, he kisses me on the lips and runs to the kitchen to get his keys. He rides his truck home. 

I go check on the two lovers who stopped and had fallen asleep. I cleaned up Ben and I's mess and threw away our trash so Faith's mom wouldn't know. I had to deflate the mattress and put it back in the basement. It was so damn cold down there and I was only wearing undies and a sweater. I've come to a point in my life where I need a stronger word than fuck. I threw the rubber mattress and ran up the steps. I got shorts on and played on the Xbox. Andrew tries to help me with the game and took the other controller, 

"You know, You can de-escalate any situation by simply saying, Are we about to kiss?" He says out of the blue.

"Oh really?" I ask, I feel like he's trying to get me to lose.

 "Doesn't work for getting out of speeding tickets, by the way." He says, he puts his foot against mine. He makes me lose with his stupid flirty ways which he tries to use to distract me.

"You're lucky you're so stupid," I tell him before starting a new game. We fight as we try to win, of course, I win and he gets pouty. 

"You cheated!" he throws a joking fit. "Another round, and no sabotage!" he yells at me

"Shhh be quiet some people are trying to sleep," I tell him. 

Kaylie walks into the room, she woke up either due to spite or the sound of thunder, "Hello mortals, how are you?"

"I'm doing good," I respond.

"I'm sick and tired of being called 'mortal' like, you don't know that. Neither do I. I have never died even ONCE. Nothing has been proven yet. Stop making assumptions. It's rude." Andrew says, throwing his arms up. 

"Hey unless proved wrong, you're mortal," Kaylie says. 

"Anyways did you have fun? You were so loud you woke the whole house up." I tell her.

"Hell yeah, that was the best sex I ever had. It was weird it was on a water mattress though, I'm surprised we didn't pop it." She tells us.

"Hey, so that means if we are in a horror movie, Faith would be the only one to survive cause she's still a virgin," Andrew tells us. He lets anything come out of his mouth and he has zero filter. He talks first and thinks last.

"Tmi dude, way too much information," I tell him. Faith comes back from wherever the hell she was. I don't even know where she went but she has a fistful of rocks now. She lays them down on the table and sits on the arm of the chair. 

"you want hot chocolate, Kaylie?" she asks, walking off before getting an answer and making a cup for her. It was not a choice, it was too cold and faith had a bag of colorful marshmallows she wanted to show off. 

We all got our hot drinks and dealt with each other until the street plowers were done and most of us could leave. Kaylie and Robert were the first to leave, then Andrew left. Of course, he had to make it uncomfortable and kissed my cheeks. 

"Keep being you. I'll see you tomorrow sexy mama." He tells me, he gives Faith a hug and forehead kiss and leaves. I soon got ready to leave and drove myself home. I got home and made sure Cuba was fed, not knowing my mom fed him. I put my shoes out on the porch and soon heard a small noise. It was a cat, almost frozen. I did what I had to and I took the poor thing inside and warmed him up. I fed and made sure he would be safe. I am gonna name him Sputnik. What I didn't know was this cat had powers and was a shapeshifter. 

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