SquidFlame (Cooked Sushi)

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Pushing the smaller dragon down beneath him, he snorted

loudly, as smoke trickled from his nostrils and coiled around his long winding

horns. He hated him, he hated everything, he was so angry, everything he saw

was covered by his blinding rage.

He slashed along the SeaWing's muzzle, earning a cry from

him as sanguine liquid flooded where his claws had scraped. The blood was the

color of his own scales, his anger, his deep-seated anger at everything and

everyone around him. But it was also the color of his pain, he felt abandoned,

left for dead in this dragon-forsaken volcano, he felt unloved and uncared for.

He wasn't even a Dragonet of Destiny, he was just a replacement. He would never

be good enough.

Maybe that pain was projected in his eyes, or maybe it just

lingered about a second too long. But Squid looked up at him, tears rolling

from his seaweed colored eyes, but with something akin to pity; Pity that he

didn't want, but needed nonetheless.

He stretched out his whip-like tail and slammed it against

the SeaWing's soft underbelly, his stripes lighting up a bright lime as he felt

the sharp pain as he was lashed by the long appendage.

Flame hissed, his lips drawing back to expose his long

fangs, smoke spilling from the gaps between his teeth. He thought he must look

very menacing, though despite this; Squid didn't turn his head completely away,

didn't try to hide his eyes from his terrifying glory, though he did shy away ever

so slightly, turning his pale green eyes to the warm, black volcanic ground.

Flame let go of him, digging his claws into his shoulders

one last time, before he got off of him with a snort. His tail coiled around

his blood covered paws as he sat down. He folded his enormous wings tightly

against himself.

Squid quickly upturned himself, his wings drooping heavily,

as if he didn't have enough energy to tuck them up against his sides, he limped

to the mouth of the cave before looking back at him.

"I want to go home too." was all Squid quietly said in his

croaky voice as he turned to walk away, but his eyes told Flame stories he could

never even begin to fathom.

He had a strong urge to follow him, maybe even help the

utterly defenseless creature to someone of aid. But he didn't he just sat where

he had been left, and breathed a few quick plumes of fire before he curled up

in a small ball; Feeling just as alone and helpless as he had before he had

pinned the SeaWing beneath him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2015 ⏰

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