Are you stalking me?

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It was Saturday and it was my only free day to try and find a job. Finding a good job in Greece is very hard, especially for the foreigners. I still don't know the language that good and is hard for me to communicate with them. I understand some words, but that's the best I can do for now.

I was walking through the big streets of the city wondering around and looking for good place to try and file for a job. Unfortunately every place I asked turned me down. They said I need to know the language, if I need to get a job here. Some of them even said something like: 'επιστρέψτε στο κράτος', which I think means 'go back to your country'. I'm not very sure about it, it might be an insult.

Around 1pm I was getting pretty desperate and I wasn't sure in my own abilities at this point, so I decided to get myself a coffee and sit on the nearest bench. I needed some caffeine and some sugar. I walked into my favourite cafe and I greeted the staff, because I know them for a while now. After all, I'm their most loyal costumer. I waited in line and I was scrolling thru Instagram, when I saw with the corner of my eyes someone cutting me in line. I raise my gaze and I immediately recognised him-Kai Galanis from blood and flesh.

He didn't look at me. I guess cutting someone in line was a habit of his. He stopped in front of me and looked at the menu to pick a flavour, but I couldn't let him get that. I tapped his shoulder and he turned around. He was way taller than me, so I was on the same level as his chest. Kai looked down like he was making fun of my height and removed his glasses.

"Are you stalking me, weird girl?", he asked me and observed my face. This guy surely knows how to push my buttons.

"You're the one, who showed up and cut me in line. Can't you see I was before you?", I asked and a moment later I regretted my question.

"With that height of yours? No, not really".

He smirked at me in the most cocky way I've ever seen and put his big hand on my head messing up my hair. I push away his hand and immediately fixed my hair. It was bad before need for more.

"You're a jerk", I said for the 1000 time for the past two days and I tried my best not to look at him, but he on the other hand was staring right into my soul.

It felt so uncomfortable and weird at the same time. Kai wasn't staring at me in a way, that a pervert does, but it definitely made me feel really uncomfortable. It felt like he was judging me or something like that. I finally got the courage to look back at him.

"Why are you looking at me like that?", I finally felt brave enough to ask him. Kai was still looking at me, but I couldn't follow his gaze, so what he said next made me even angrier.

"You have nice boobs, you should wake something", he said and I immediately felt my cheeks getting hotter. I punch his arm and he chuckled, "is that your hardest punch? It was like a baby's slap".

"I don't know who you think you are, but I'll appreciate it so much, if you don't say anything about my boobs", I tried to keep the good tone between us, because we are still in a public place. I didn't want to cause a scene.

"Hey, I'm just trying to help you", he shrugged and looked back at the barista, who gave him his other, as well as mine, "you are pretty, but I see you have no game, so I wanna help you. I want to find you a boyfriend", he explained.

"Sorry to disappoint, but I'm not looking for a boyfriend", I got my coffee too and I walked away leaving the store.

"Girlfriend then?", for some reason Kai was following me with his cup of coffee in his right hand and his wallet in the other.

I sat on one bench covered in shadow falling from the tree above it. Kai stopped next to me and put his coffee on the bench. I looked at him with confusion, but he didn't even caught the hint. He put two small packs of sugar into his coffee and shook it to mix it all up.

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