Personality change

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Okay, don't come at me for what I'm about to tell you and don't call me a hypocrite, but I kinda liked the time I spent with Kai. I know, I sounds ridiculous, but it's true.

After we talked about my virginity, we changed the topic to something more enjoyable. I let him talk about sports, friends, Artiola, his past and surprisingly he told me a lot. Turns out his father was a soccer coach and by some really big irony-Kai likes basketball. He told me about his mom, his real mom, and explained to me how wonderfully of a person she was. Yes, you heard it right- was. He told me about his brothers and how he's not in a very good relationship with them. I'm guessing living with new people is hard for all of them.

I didn't told him much tho. I told him about my parents and why I want to be into business, I told him about my previous relationships and he understood why I don't wanna be in one now. I told him about my past and how hard people have been treating me before. I couldn't tell, but I kinda saw..guilt in his eyes? Weird.

As the night was going grade I decided to ask him some more personal questions. Maybe it was, because of the amount of alcohol or maybe I felt brave for the first time, but I decided to ask him about his past-deeper.

"Tell me about your father", I encouraged him to talk. I noticed earlier, that his body is getting tense, when he's talking about his dad and as I mentioned earlier-this guy definitely has some kind of issues..daddy issues.

"There's not much to say about him..really, he's just a normal dude", Kai let out a chuckle, but he felt more nervous as I was looking at him. I decided to be bold and ask him directly.

"Kai, do you have problems with you dad?", I asked and he froze. He looked at me with fear and surprise, I didn't know which one was bigger at that moment. His leg started moving and I noticed his body getting even more tense than before. Maybe I shouldn't ask again. "I'm sorry, it's none of my business", I apologise.

"No, it's fine. I guess I have to talk about it some day...better to be with you", he said and he put a fake smile to cover his nervousness. I don't know why, but when I heard the last part of his sentence I couldn't help, but blush. Why me exactly? "My dad is the typical Balkan dude and the typical father-strict and demanding as he should. Growing up he wasn't the easiest person to talk to, because he's the same as me-keeps his emotions inside. The only thing he wanted from me was to play soccer".

"Did you do it?", I ask and Kai nods his head, then looks back down at his lap.

"I was good at it really, I've played and trained hard to prove my dad I can do it, but I've never heard: 'I'm proud of you' or 'you did good', all he did was demanding more and more", Kai clinched his first, which showed me is time to change the subject, "that's why I gave up soccer when I got into puberty. It's not worth it".

I was looking at him, observing him and he was talking about his that. His face changed, his personality too. This isn't the annoying jerk I came here with tonight, this was a completely different face of Kai Galanis. The real him. I can't help, but wonder what his dad looks like and what kind of person he is. I don't want to judge him by Kai's explanations, I'm sure the old man had his reasoning.

The only thing I could blame in this situation is toxic masculinity. It ruined so much stuff for man, especially for the elderly generation. They are raised by it and they continue to raise their kids by it. I hate the fact, that toxic masculinity doesn't allow men to show their feelings and to show, that they are proud. That scars the kids for the rest of their lives.

"Hey, why are you so quiet?", Kai brought me back to reality snapping me out of my thoughts for a moment. I looked at him and he was smiling nervously like he thought he shared a little bit too much information, "it's not that deep..really", I didn't even realise I was zoning out before he pointed it out.

"I just can't help, but wonder why do you let your father draw your path", I suddenly spoke and tried to calm myself down, "if you really like soccer you should play, because YOU want it, not because your dad expects it from you. And giving up on a sport you love, because your dad never told you he's proud of you is stupid for me. Do it for you, not for him".

Silence filled the air and I realised what I said sounds horrible. I quickly looked up at Kai, who was just staring at me. Eyes empty, but his soul was full with emotions. Maybe I should be so harsh on him, maybe I should apologise.

"Kai, I-I'm sorry..", I said and I looked down, because I felt ashamed of myself.

"Nah, it's okay. You're right", Kai said and he sounds pretty calm. I look up and now he was smiling, but genuinely this time, "maybe that's what I needed to hear all this time. I am my own person and I can do whatever I want, because I don't need anyone's approval".

"Are you sure you're okay?", I asked.

"Totally, Icy, I'm fine", he chuckled.

This guy is a complete mystery to me. Maybe he's too good at hiding his feelings, or he was right all along about him not feelings anything. I made a mistake by underestimating him at the beginning-he's not easy to read at all. This should be interesting, I thought to myself.

"I think our conversation got too deep, let's talk about something else", he suggested and I nod my head, because I felt like I'm going to cry for him, if we continue the topic, "let's talk about how attractive am I. What do you think?", Kai puts his annoying smirk again. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"I don't think you're that attractive", I said.

"Lier! You think I'm super attractive, I can see it on your face, little one", okay this guy knows how to make up the most annoying nicknames in the world, "I can see the attraction in your eyes, but sorry-I'm not interested".

"Oh, no! What I'm going to do now?", I said with sarcasm and looked at him with my resting bitch face. This guy's ego is so big, I can't see past it..really, "don't ya think it's getting late? We should go home", I said.

"Yeah, you're right. Come on, I'll drive you home and you can use my phone to call your friend and tell him you're home",Kai stood up and pulled out his wallet to pay. It was 2:15 in the morning, I doubt Chris was awake now.

After fighting for the bill, Kai finally won and payed for everything tonight. I felt pretty bad, that I let him do that, so I offered him to pay for everything next time. He smirked.

"So, there's going to be next time?", he asked in a cocky way and I rolled my eyes.

"We can be friends, but that's all. I don't want to sleep with you, I don't want flirts, nothing of that. Do you understand?", I said.


After that Kai drove me home and I got used to the motorcycle rides. He stopped in front of my building and gave me his phone. I knew Chris was asleep, but I gave him back his phone. He looked at me and pointed at his Instagram icon.

"Add yourself, I think it would be nice to have me in your friends", he winked at me. I had no choice, so I opened instagram and immediately saw how many followers does he have. 1 300 and something? This guy truly knows a lot of people, and most of them were girls. I followed myself and I gave him back his phone, "thank you", he took it and put it in his pocket.

"See ya around", I said and I turn my back at him to walk inside my building.

"Good night, Icy", he said in a flirty way and got on his motorcycle. I got annoyed, so I turn around to scold him, but he was already driving away from me. Was becoming friends with him the right move?

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