Mirabel wakes up drenched

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Mirabel woke up the next day to water thrown on her face. "What the..." she muttered annoyed.

"Come on Mirabel! Get moving!" came Énaël's voice.

She got up and saw that she was in another room, she looked around to see Kylian soaking wet while Ajax didn't have a drop of water on himself. She got up, rubbing her eyes groggily. Suddenly, Énaël appeared in front of her, surprising her, she jumped back and fell down.

"Ow...Can you not scare me like that" she asked, glaring at him.

"You weren't scared, just caught off guard" he replied.
He turned around to face Kylian and Ajax "and that's what we will be learning ‘How to not be caught off guard’ and to do that you three will need to keep CONSTANT VIGILANCE!!!" he almost shouted the last part.

Kylian put a hand on his ears "Can you please speak without temporarily DAMAGING EVERYONE'S EARDRUMS!" he also shouted the last part.

"You're lucky your ears aren't damaged. Let's get started." said Énaël.

Ajax spoke up "Shouldn't we learn to control our magical powers first?"
"Of course not, those powers are dangerous and unpredictable. You need to learn how to discipline yourself before you get those powers . So get started already!!!" shouted Énaël.

He turned to Mirabel and said "Focus on your surroundings, look around the room, take in every detail of the space, try focusing on everything. Steady your breathing and mind, you cannot afford to get nervous or anxious."

Mirabel nodded, she took a deep breath and looked around the room, the four walls of the room were all different colours, red, blue, purple and yellow. On the walls were hanging several weapons, on the red wall were swords. At the blue wall were spears, halberds, shields, wooden stakes, bows and arrows. In the purple wall were knives, daggers, crossbow bolts, iron chains and hooks. The final wall was covered with crossbows and axes. Mirabel stated her observations to Énaël and he smiled, he turned to Ajax and asked "What do you see?"

"There are several weapons hanging on the walls, most of them are perfectly aligned except for the one sword on the purple wall, not only is it hanging upside down, it doesn't match the theme of the purple wall. Also that sword is the only sharp sword out of all the swords." replied Ajax.

Énaël turned to Mirabel "See how Ajax observed the room, that's how you need to observe it too."
She looked around the room once again, this time noting the length and the sharpness of the weapons, the distance between the walls and her. All these details took quite a long time to process. When she finally managed to do it, she felt slightly ashamed at her lack of attention.

"Now close your eyes and remember your observations, try to grab the sword on the purple wall" She nodded and closed her eyes, she pictured the room in her mind again, she began walking in the direction of the purple wall, she carefully remembered the spot of the sword and reached her hand out to grab it. She grabbed the blade and not the handle. Mirabel winced in pain , the sword cut through her skin easily. She opened her eyes, the cut on her palm stung.

Kylian looked at her in concern and asked "Are you okay?" Énaël snapped his fingers and the cut on her palm disappeared. Ajax said "Did you forget that the sword was hanging upside down?"

She glared at him, her cheeks turned red from embarrassment she said  'We should probably continue our lessons already!!" desperately trying to change the subject. 

Énaël said "Focus on yourself, your mind and your consciousness will become more clear, Ajax why don't you give it a try? Get the biggest sword you can find." Ajax nodded and closed his eyes. He began walking towards the far left corner of the red wall and picked up a silver sword, it seemed to be the biggest sword. He opened his eyes, Énaël smiled at him and turned to her "That's how it's done"

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