||The start of Time||

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It was at the start of time that everyone realized that we are one, were one, and will be one. We are together even if not forever, and will be part of our pains. Even if not in the same world, whether on Jupiter or Mars, another universe or milkyway, we will always, and shall we will be, one. The same. Our DNA connection. We are latched. We are promised. We are young. And we are free. Together, we are the opposite. The opposite of the fate of humanity. The opposite of life. The opposite of death. The end of our path. The end of our road.

We are, .......The Flip of The Switch.


"Akaza!" Kaigaku called out to Akaza.
Akaza turned to see who was calling his name, and when he saw Kaigaku he relaxed for a little bit. "What do you need me for?" Akaza quickly responded after a couple of moments of him trying to process what was going on. "It's uh...Douma." Kaigaku finally spoke. "Ah....-uh..ugh." Akaza groaned. "What does he want now?"

Kaigaku kinda DIDN'T want to say this for Douma, but he proceeded to anyways even though he'd rather Douma do it for himself instead. "Douma says," Kaigaku went on. "That he has a message for you, but you must go to him to receive it." Akaza rolled his eyes. "Is that all?" Kaigaku shook his head until he eventually, then thought it over, and maybe he could still get his pay after shortening the message gor he was a bit uncomfortable to say it. "Uh, actually- yea. It is." (BTW, credits to the artist who made that picture up there! You did a rlly good job man! Love it!:D)

Akaza hesitated before tiredly nodding and continued walking off to where he was originally gonna go.

"Hey- Akaza..." Kaigaku said. "Douma's Estate is back this way-" Kaigaku told Akaza, wondering why he was going the opposite way.

"I know, but why does he even have or live in that estate anyways? He already has a cult to take care of...: Akaza shrugged, turning slightly while his head was back only a bit further as he faced Kaigaku from a bit of a distance. "...Yea...it is kinda strange. Maybe he's just using it to get away and get a break from everything?"

"Yea..maybe." Akaza agreed as he looked down at the dirt, before looking back up again, sighing. 'Oh- uh..well since you seem kinda busy uh- I'll just get going and leave you to it." Kaigaku huffed, quite tired. He just wanted to end this conversation- he didn't care if Akaza was busy or not. "Alright...uh- bye Kaigaku." Akaza sighed once again, as he watched Kaigaku walk away. "Hey...! Kaigaku..." he called out to Kaigaku one last time.

"Yea?" Kaigaku responded.

"Tell Douma, I said fuck off, will ya?"
Akaza smirked as Kaigaku rolled his eyes and chuckled, "You guys are like..tough friendships to lovers or something...: Kaigaku teased. Akaza froze, turning tomato strawberry red softball red. "I-..HEY!" Akaza finally manged out, but Kaigaku was already further up ahead, chuckling and laughing at Akaza and his reaction.

Akaza turned, while laughing it off. Kaigaku was really a good friend when he's tired.

"Now, what did he say?" Douma asked Kaigaku. "He said...uh- fuck off." Kaigaku responded to Douma's question. Not sure if that was exactly what he said, but, it seemed good enough. He was still tired from killing all of those demons already.

"...Ah...I see." Douma looked a bit hurt, but it quickly flicked away, as if it never happened. He put on his usual fake big ass smile. "Douma, are you okay?" Kaigaku asked, not like he really cared THAT much. Or..did he? He didn't give a fuck either way.

"I'm FINE. Now fuck off." Douma go a bit angry, and serious. It was surprisingly surprising to Kaigaku, as he had never seen Douma express a single emotion, he was stuck for a moment- before he shook his head sore and stared at Douma, smirking.

"A Lil hurt are ya?" Kaigaku teased.
"Nope! Not at all!" Douma's voice cracked. "Shit-" Douma quickly looked outside. "GAH!" Akaza came running in,"Well fuc-" he couldn't stop in time, crashing into Douma.

"Dammit Akaza!" Douma growled. Kaigaku just stood there, watching and making sure not to be seen. He wanted every bit of this to gossip about at the sleep secret sleep over.

"My my~" Douma hummed as him and Akaza was just inches from a kiss. "AH-!" Akaza jumped up, immediately, blushing. "Well shit- fuck you." Akaza cursed Douma and yelled at him even more, as Douma proceeded to teased Akaza.

Kaigaku giggled at the from yelling, to shouting mania. "ACK-!" Akaza squeaked as he fell, tripping on Douma's clothing.

"Hah! That's what you get for being naughty!~" Kaigaku covered his mouth, holding a gasp. This was very good action taking place.

Douma realized that Kaigaku was still here, so he decided to out on a play for awhile. "Oh my!~" Douma hummed in a seductive voice, doing his little grin. Akaza froze, still processing what Douma had said earlier. "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU FREAK!" Douma stared at Akaza, but then noticed he was being serious. "YOU'RE SO ANNOYING DO YOU EVER SHUT UP?" Akaza had- had enough it seems. "...." Douma looked up at Akaza. Douma stood, raising his fan and walking out of the door. He teared up and started walking faster. 'It's happening again..shit.' Douma had thought it would go away- but no. It came back. His emotions keep confusing him. All he needed was some real help- that's all.

He was falling in love.

"Douma! Wait! Look- I..I'm sorry!" Akaza called after Douma as he ran.

"Ah..it's fine, Akaza-..."
He smiled, posing with his fan infront of his face. His usual weird smile. Akaza couldn't but help but blush atleast a small bit- if he could punch his jaw off he would(Heehee). "We should get going eh? It's almost night heh..." Douma suggested. Akaza just nodded and followed along.

"Ah! Douma! Kaigaku! Akaza! You're here!" Daki/Ume Cheered(Daki for now). "Yeah!" Douma just simply responded as he sat down on one of the mats that clearly was his due to the design on it.

"Truth or dare..Akaza!" Daki smirked. "Eh-?" Akaza looked quite surprised..he just got here. "Eh...dare." I dare you to tell the person you hate the most that you love them!"

Daki smiled from ear to ear, amused.
Akaza then looked over to Douma, and said "I love you." With a blank expression.
Douma froze- and so did Daki and the rest of them. They didn't expect that due to how much Akaza blushed at Douma. Maybe he just snapped. "Truth or dare." Akaza asked Douma, not even trying. "Dare." Douma responded. "Flirt with the one you like the most here." Akaza just looked at him. "Eh-" Douma reacted. "Is this just all about romance now?!?!" He growled. "Well yea. Now do it dumbass." Akaza hissed back. Douma rolled his eyes and started flirting with Akaza. "So, you look pretty charming today. Why don't you use it on me?" Akaza was quite flustered actually. Daki squealed and Gyutaro giggled surprisingly. Gyokko grinned and Han just sat there, in the corner. Kaigaku shook his head. "Gyutaro. " Douma immediately moved on. "Kiss your crush." Douma had a smug face, he already knew who it was. "This is boringgg!" Daki complained. "Shut the fuck up you suggested it." Kaigaku rolled his eyes at Daki.

Man, just how much worse could this night get??

Just Flip The Switch||A Reverse KNY Story||W.I.P.Where stories live. Discover now