Chapter III

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Percy POV

I woke up surprisingly not in chains and a muzzle. I would have gotten up but Annabeth and Thalia were sleeping against me. They look so cute when they're sleeping. I waited until they woke up and I thought about what could have happened while I was out. I had just thought about what kind of magic the gods could have pulled on me when Thalia woke up and her waking woke up Annabeth.

"Thalia go back to sleep no one's going to come this close to Percy. They all think he's a monster." Annabeth told her not knowing that I was listening.

"You don't think Percy really is a monster do you?" Thalia asked voicing my thoughts.

"Course not. He's the sweetest guy I've met. He went through Tartarus with me. I wouldn't doubt we'd do it again if we had to." Annabeth said as she turned to get more comfortable on my scales.

"Nicsse to know you ssstill love me besssidess my new look." I told her nuzzling.

"Nice to know you're still soft." She told me as she hugged me.

"That'll never change. You know that." I told her.

"Get up lovebirds. Time for us to go back to camp." Thalia told us as she angrily got up.

"Yesss Pinecone face ma'am." I said as I stood up after letting Annabeth get up. We walked into camp and campers stared. I bent down to Annabeth's level and asked her "Why are they ssstaring?"

"Well you might have kind of sort of hit a few of them while you were sleeping. Nothing fatal just slaps from your tail. It was scary how you knew exactly where they were even though you were asleep." Annabeth informed me. Zain walked up to Annabeth cockily and smirked.

"Why don't you hang with a real man? I'm twenty times better then that monster." He said flashing a smile at Annabeth. Thalia already had her bow out and I was itching to get rid of this pain in the tail.

"Nah. This monster is ten times as manly as you think you are." Annabeth told the cocky Zeus spawn.

"Prove it." Zain crossed his arms.

"Pleassse tell me that I can get rid of him now." I pleaded to Annabeth.

"As much as I'd love to tell you that I can't." Annabeth told me making me have to settle for a death glare that made Zain flinch. I laughed at his reaction and gave him a full fanged smile.

"Sssuch big talk for sssuch a sssmall threat." I said as we walked away. I felt something rebound off some of my scales. I turned to see Zain was shocked and was still in a throwing position. I crouched to jump at him, feeling rage bubble up inside me but Annabeth got to me first.

"Don't. He's not worth it." She told me calming me down. We walked away and stopped once we made it to the big house.

"I'll be right back." Annabeth went inside, Thalia went off for something and I was almost trampled by the hunters who came after me.

"What have you done to Thalia? She's not the same as she was before." Atalanta asked me pointing her bow at me.

"I didn't do anything. Ssshe'sss my cousssin, what would I do?" I asked confused by their approach. Thalia came along probably seeing the hunters swarmed around me.

"What are you guys doing? Percy hasn't hurt anyone." She asked.

"'Percy' has changed you. You are more secluded to us. Yet as open as a door to him and the spawn of Athena. What has he done?" Phoebe asked her.

"I've already told you guys. Percy hasn't done anything. It's just that his change has affected me." Thalia explained as an Apollo camper walked by.

Percy Jackson, cursed to be a monsterWhere stories live. Discover now