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You bit your lip as you heard the ravings coming from inside the room. You’d heard stories about the Queen of Hearts’ new hatter, but you weren’t sure what was true and what wasn’t. The last maid that went into that room swore the man tried to take her head saying it would be the perfect perch for his new hat. You were almost positive that her ramblings weren’t true, but that didn’t stop you from being a little bit scared to go in there. After all since you were the last maid left to try, if you failed, you were fired. Fired was a nice way of saying, “Off with your head.”

    So, swallowing your fear, you knocked once and pushed the door open. At first, you didn’t see the new hatter so you wandered further in with your tray of tea. When you got to the little desk in the middle of the room, you finally saw him. He was there with his head in his hands. His hair was standing out in all directions, making him look as mad as they said. You opened your mouth to speak when his head popped up and his eyes met yours.

           You weren’t sure exactly what you had been expecting, but that wasn’t it. Curious, slightly crazed blue eyes stared at you as if you had grown an extra head. “What?” he asked sharply. “Tea, sir,” you muttered, gesturing to the tray that was getting heavier by the second. His lips turned down into a deep frown. “Tea?” You nodded. “I don’t want it. Take it away.” You knew he had an aversion to tea, but he also hadn’t eaten in days. It was making him act rudely and that wasn’t going to fly with you.

   You set the tray down with a huff and put your hands on your hips. “No. You need to eat and get some tea in you. It’ll put you to rights. And I’m not leaving this spot until I see you at least try.” You were overstepping and you knew it. If he told the Queen, you were as good as dead, but you couldn’t let him sit there and starve. He looked at you for a moment, contemplating his choices. Slowly, he reached for the tea pot and poured himself a cup. You smiled to yourself at your small victory. For a few minutes, he simply stared into the cup, his eyes filling with tears.

  "What is it? Did I prepare it wrong?“ you asked and he shook his head with a sniffle. "No…I just haven’t had tea since I got here. Since I left her behind.” He set the cup down and went back to the hat in front of him. Curiosity overwhelmed you and you took a small step closer. You edged the cup back toward him. “Please drink and have some cake. Who did you leave behind?”

"Grace. My daughter. I told her I’d be right back. She’ll never forgive me for this.“ You could hear the tears in his voice. Without thinking, you placed a hand on his. "Yes she will. If you explain what happened, I’m certain she will forgive you.” The hatter looked up at you. “How do you know?” You gave him a smile. “I just do. Now please, you have to eat something. You won’t accomplish anything if you starve yourself.” He set the hat back down and took up the cup again. He took a sip and smiled. “Perfect. Thank you.” You smiled and nodded, satisfied with a job well done.

  "I’ll leave you to it then, sir. I’ll be back for your tray later.“ You turned to leave the room. "Wait!” You glanced over your shoulder at him. “What’s your name?” You gave a little curtsy. “Y/N, sir.” He smiled softly, brightening his face a bit. “Thank you, Y/N. And please, call me Jefferson.” With another nod, you left the room.
*time skip*

     Life went on like that for you both for a while. You’d bring Jefferson his meals and tidy up where you could. And each day, you would learn more about each other. Underneath the hint of madness, there was a man with a heart of gold who simply wanted to return home to his beloved daughter. And part of you wanted to go with him and get away from the queen. But that was never going to be.

As each day went by, with each hat that failed to work, Jefferson slipped further and further into his own mind. He was going completely mad. To be honest, it frightened you. His obsession was growing worse every day. He was slipping back, only drinking tea and working on hats while ignoring your presence when you were there. In fact, the only words he could seem to say as his hands worked deftly on yet another new hat were, “Make it work. Make it work. It has to work.”

  "Jefferson…how long has it been since you slept?“ He barely glanced up at you. He muttered, "No time for sleep. I have to make it work.” You sighed and walked over to his work table. “Jefferson, I think it’s time to stop. You’ve been here for years now. The type of magic you need doesn’t exist in this realm. Please.” You finally looked up at you in surprise. “Y/N! How nice of you to visit. Would you care for a cup of tea?”

     There was a look in his eyes that chilled you to the bone. “N-No thank you.” He frowned a little. “Oh. Do you have time for a riddle then?” You shook your head. “Sorry. I should be going. I have other duties to attend to.” With a nod, he turned back to his hat and his muttering. “Make it work. Make it work.” As you watch him, you heart broke for your friend. You knew it wouldn’t be long before he was completely gone to you and to Grace. You wanted to help, but you didn’t know how. “I’m sorry, Jefferson,” you whispered before doing the only thing you could think of. You ran from the room, tears streaming down your face as you mourned for Jefferson’s sanity and his little girl, who would probably never see her father again.

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