Sebastian Stan (SMUT )

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Ich werde dieses Kapitel auf englisch schreiben es ist so einfacher.

This is ridiculous. You walked out of a meeting with your co-stars and crew, a meeting that only happened because a select few people on an entirely different movie decided to get involved, sexually, with many of their castmates causing a huge scandal that wouldn’t die down. You had just started filming a movie and your director and legal team decided it was best to write up a new clause that stated no members of the entire production team could engage in sexual activity unless they were previously involved. While you didn’t intend on having a fuckfest on this film, you thought it was pretty dumb for them to control people’s desires.

Sebastian Stan, your best friend, and co-star of the action-adventure film drove the two of you to your hotel as he listened to your rant about the new rules. He gave some mindless input here and there but mostly just listened and drove. He didn’t think much of it, if people wanted to, they were going to fuck, nothing was going to stop that. The two of you entered the hotel and checked in. You were greeted with passing chatter from the other cast and crew members standing about the lobby, it was a pretty crowded hotel, most of the crew was staying there since it was closest to the set. Which also meant that if anyone were going to have sex, someone would know about it.

Sebastian opened the door to the hotel room and you dragged your bags inside, immediately noticing that there was only one king-sized bed. You scoffed, Sebastian was your best friend and it wasn’t unusual for you two to be incredibly close, it was even cause for speculation in the media. But you were going to be there for weeks, not having your own bed was just a hassle you didn’t want to deal with.

“I’ll go see if there’s another room available,” Sebastian said, kissing your forehead and setting his bags down. You watched as his leather-clad body exited the room. He came back shortly after with a defeated look on his face.

“No luck, everything is booked, looks like we’re just going to have to share.” Sebastian winked at you with a smirk.

“Maybe we’ll get some paparazzi in the window, that would make a good headline. ‘Sebastian and Y/N spotted in bed together’” Sebastian laughed. You gently punched his shoulder.

“Yeah, more like ‘Y/N and Sebastian get fired from film for breaking the contract’” You rolled your eyes. Sebastian laughed and unzipped his bags. He took out some pajamas and toiletries and headed for the shower. When Sebastian came out, his towel was wrapped around his waist and his hair dripped down his face. You laid on the furthest edge of the bed and watched as he dripped across the floor. You never understood why men didn’t just dry off in the shower, but something about the sight of him made your mind go blank. Sebastian caught you staring at his chiseled body and smiled.

“Y/N? You drooling over there?” Sebastian chuckled. You snapped out of it and blushed.

“No, just thinking about how you’re flooding the room right now.” You rolled your eyes, flipping around in the bed to face away from him. The sliding door of the closet doubled as a full-length mirror so you caught a glimpse of Sebastian dropping his towel to slide on a pair of tight boxer briefs. You watched as his ass was pulled up slightly by the tug of the fabric then jiggled a little bit when he released the band of the underwear with a snap. His back was so large and beautifully smooth, you wanted to touch it, run your hands down every muscle, feeling how smooth and soft his skin was. There was no denying a certain flirtation between the two of you. You’d never acted on anything but you were always incredibly close friends and of course, he was absolutely gorgeous. Sebastian’s back glistened as his sweatpants slid up his thick thighs, you thought about licking the water from his skin. Stop that. You couldn’t control your thoughts. Why all of the sudden? Why did your mind want to think about him being on top of you, gripping your body tight as he pounded into you with enough force to make you blackout? Maybe it was the contract, that little clause that forbids any sexual activity, something about fucking in secret was hot to you. The mystery, the secrets, the thought of Sebastian’s hand over your mouth as he fucked you. Maybe it was the thought of sharing a bed with him, something you hadn’t done in a while and not with him fresh out of the shower, dripping wet and naked before your very eyes.

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