Tickets in the Shower Room.

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Henry ran down the hall, following behind the angel uncertantly.

Her tall black heels click against the wooden boards with every step. His hand was in hers and she was gripping it tightly as she led him down the hall.

After a while of running they finally slowed to a more comfortable pace that didn't make Henry feel like his lungs were about to explode, and then rather subconscious of the lack of exercise he had been getting recently.

As soon as the demon had left the twisted angel had broken out of the cage- with an axe that uh.. She uh.. Pulled out of her dress- to put in the most honest and bluntest way possible.

Sammy had tried to stop her as she untied Henry and slung him over her shoulder before booking it out of the room, but hadn't been able to stop them before the large auditorium doors swung shut.

Henry looks around as they walk down the hall, taking it all in.

Large chandeliers hung from the ceiling looming far above him. There had to be at least two hundred candles on each one.

It presented a major fire hazard, but Henry'd be damned if he didn't admit he thought that it was rather pretty.

The floor was a shiny white marble, or maybe just those tiles in the super markets that looked like marble. The walls were a rough wood, with the occasional piece of yellowing wallpaper nailed onto it. Deep scratches ran across the walls, and what Henry naively likes to believe was strawberry jam was splattered on the walls and floor.

The angel notices his awe and rolls her (non-gouged out) eye. "Impressed are we? Well, don't get too comfortable. Everything in here either wants to kill you and can, or it's lying." She says, scowling to herself.

He raises his eyebrows. "Thanks, I'll uh, keep it in mind.."

Sensing his discomfort she smiles. " Oh, don't worry about me handsome, I've never harmed a fly~"

He clears his throat. "That's nice of you. Now, not to be rude, but could you please tell me where the exit is? I've got a lot of work waiting for me at home." Was that a lie? Yes, yes it was. But something about the lady was just off.

She was, (to put it bluntly, like most things she did) really touchy with him, flirty too.

He had given her the benefit of the doubt, assuming she was just being friendly with him. She also said things and then instantly contradicted them, leaving him unsure what to believe anymore

"Oh, how big of you.." she scoffs. "I save you from those deranged lunatics- and then you want to walk out on me? Is that anyway to thank an angel?!"

Henry blinks, 'wow she is taking it hard.'. "It's nothing against you, just-"

"SHUT UP!" The angel screams, slamming her head into the wall. "Shut up! Shut up! You're a liar! You hate me!"

Henry flinches, scrambling to think of a way to get her to stop. "Woah, woah, woah- I don't hate you I just- I don't know what's going on okay?! I don't know if any of this is even real anymore, and it's kind of freaking me out, but please, just stop hurting yourself! I'll do whatever you want if you just stop!"

Blood hangs between the angel's head and the wooden boards like snot. She stares at him. When he nods she smiles and draws her head back. "Anything?"

She led him down the twisted corridors, the strawberry jam getting thicker each couple of feet.

After the long walk she stopped finally in front of two heavy doors, steam leaking out from underneath them. The sound of running showers fills the air.

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