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drvicrusso best boyfriend, bringing me refreshments midway through my shift! 😍 velasco_joe #myboyfriendisthebest #doctorsofinstagram #starbucks

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drvicrusso best boyfriend, bringing me refreshments midway through my shift! 😍 velasco_joe #myboyfriendisthebest #doctorsofinstagram #starbucks

300 likes | 60 comments

mandyroll my boyfriend never gets me Starbucks 😒

drvicrusso uncle Dom, get your girlfriend a Starbucks drink! 🙄 sonny_carisi

sonny_carisi first of all, I'll get you and the girls something on my way over, mandyroll . Secondly! Since when do you have a boyfriend? And why does it have to be him?! 😫

mimimorino That was so sweet of him, Vi! 🥰

velasco_joe Only the best for my best 🥰


love of my life ❤️

Jose 🥰😘😍❤️

You didn't tell me ADA Carisi is your uncle! 😳😅

Violet 🥰😘😍❤️

He's harmless 😅

Jose 🥰😘😍❤️

He cornered me on my way out of the courthouse today

demanding to know why we're dating

Violet 🥰😘😍❤️

oh my God! That's so embarrassing 😳😫

babe I'm so sorry!

I'll make it up to you, I promise! ❤️

Jose 🥰😘😍❤️

No need ❤️

It just would be nice with a warning 😅

Violet 🥰😘😍❤️

Why are you so understanding 😳😫❤️❤️❤️❤️

I love you so much! ❤️❤️❤️

But seriously, name the price, and I'll do it!

I wanna make it right! ❤️❤️❤️

Jose 🥰😘😍❤️

Anything? 👀😏

Only kidding

seriously, amor, it's okay

No harm done

at least not to me 😅

and, I love you more 🥰

Violet 🥰😘😍❤️

I'm gonna have to have a serious talk with uncle Dom about boundaries! 😫

Please let me make you dinner after shift today,

as a token of my love for you 🥰

Jose 🥰😘😍❤️

Can't say no to your cooking 🥰

I'm in 🥰

Now go back to work! ❤️

Violet 🥰😘😍❤️

You too! ❤️

And please stay safe 🥰

I love you ❤️❤️

Jose 🥰😘😍❤️

I love you too ❤️❤️

My One and Only (Joe Velasco x Violet Carisi Russo) ~~ Law and Order SVUWhere stories live. Discover now