Right Feeling Lies?

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Sorbet's POV

I lightly open my eyes, I see that Mango was gone! I look down at the note and I saw that we went to go check some noise out. He could had woken me up and let me go with him! I dunno if he's even okay! As I was about to get up I saw Mango! So I quickly lay back down and acted like I was sleeping. I could feel him getting into the boat which the boat lightly went up and down. I felt Mango put me back in his lap after a lil bit after he got on. Thats when I decided to open my eyes again and act like I just woken up. Thats when I saw it.. Mango's bandages had changed.. and the note was gone! So he thought I didnt wake up before.. He was had weird smile on his face. I got off the canoe to talk,
" hey, what happened to your bandages? "
Mango replied with
" oh well I wanted to re put them on! "
I smirked and said
" but its covering your whole lower half of your leg! Let me fix it for you! "
Before Mango could say anything I got into the canoe again and took the bandages off of Mango's lower section of his leg. I was shocked of what I saw.. Mango's wound had expanded.. like if it just happened. I re- wrapped it in a better way. Then I look up to Mango, I think the face I made scared Mango. He looked really terrified.
" Mango.. what happened? " I asked, He gave me what had happened. I was really shocked but he kept apologizing.. I felt bad so I pulled him into a hug. I could feel my back being wet. It was from Mango's tears.. His sobbing just made me even more sad. Just the fact is that he was scared and in pain. I just need to find a way to help Mango. Maybe we should find a different island. I spot the notebook and pencil and I wrote down my idea while Mango let go from out hug. He was what I wrote. He agreed. Maybe because he wanted far away from here. Mango was about to get up but I sit him down and took his paddle.
" I'll do it for you! "
I told Mango. I dont think he expected that. I started to row the boat just further away from this island and Mango's home island. I know its wrong of me to keep him away from home but I dont want him anymore hurt! Plus if I do then I possibly will never see Mango ever again and I would be heartbroken! Yes I am upset at Mango for going into the first and getting more hurt. But I cant be mad at him! He just wanted to know what was making that sound. I took us to a different island that was further away. Normally were we gummy sharks dont go so Mango had more of a chance to be safe. I found a pretty nice island which I rowed to. I softly bring the canoe onto the land. There was like a rock barrier around the place so the canoe was more secure. I look back at Mango, he was still sobbing. I pulled Mango out of the canoe and took him into the water and just letted him float while I tried my best to make him happy. He did cheer up after a little bit but something makes me wonder. What bad had happened to Mango? Just to be crying that bad for that long!. I try my best to keep him close. I dont like him far. We did get out of the water and to the trees we go and picked fruits, washed them, store most of them, and eat some! We have been able to craft more things with simple things. Like a fire! And a leaf blanket. Its just been us and always will be. I know keeping him to myself is very wrong but I cant be alone again. After this. After I met Mango. It made me see how much more it sucks to be alone. So much. To the point I just don't Mango to go home. I just don't want him to forget me and then never see me again.. then be scared of me.. I just think its better if he stayed with me! He's honestly so happy and I couldn't have it any other way.. I just will keep him for myself for a while until he will never forget me and come visit! Y'know. Then he can also see his loving dad. I just want to know Mango and his dad better. It seems like Mango was raised right.. I just can't leave him. He is clearly not ready for this world. He gets so upset when being ignored or pushed away. I can tell. Its probably because it happens a lot with some people. I hear very good stories about Lime! She visits him alot and has gotten him gifts. She finds Mango adorable and interesting. Thats what Mango tells me! Some people sound great in his life. Somehow he also knows Squid Ink! We did talk about random things. I could feel how much my heart was beating. My mind was racing.. I know im doing the wrong thing but.. it feels right. I wont tell him about this. That will make him sad of what im doing. Im just doing what feels right even if I regret it..

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Word count: 940!

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