Confessions Part 1

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"Will you still fight?" Ojiro asked the Minoto Tribe.

"Yes!" Haru exclaimed.

" lord. These people are not worthy of-"

"Silence!" Ojiro interrupted Yui. "You have just committed something not worth ever forgiving. No game is won without honor. Your actions are just as disgusting as Tenshins. Leave. NEVER APPEAR BEFORE ME AGAIN"

Yui bowed, and ran off. He turned around, and started walking when he heard his voice.

"Ojiro!" Kazuki exclaimed. "Is this...what you really want?"



As kids, Tenshin gave them their first baseball set at a very young age. He remembered how excited Kazuki was when they got the box.

They played it outside for hours. Kazuki knew Ojiro was sad about his mother being in the hospital, so he stayed longer to keep him company.

At sunset, they sat next to each other happily.

"We're gonna take on the world Ojiro" Kazuki said.

"I'd like that, and with you especially"

"Good, me too!"

Ojiro held Kazuki's Hand, and his friend held it back smiling.

"You know, I have another goal Kazuki"

"What may that be?"

"To marry you. My mom said if adults really like someone, they get married. It's a way to show that you care. Maybe we should"

Kazuki smiled again.

"I agree. We're best friends, it'll be perfect! When we grow up, we can get married"

"...This isn't about power, is it?" Kazuki asked. "This is about your want to forget that it ever happened"

"...Nothing matters but winning," Ojiro answered. "Only a fool would think anything else"

"We didn't know what that word meant. It's best for all of us if you just forget it like I did. Bring it up again and I'll break your other Arm"

He walked to the pitch base, and got in position. He noticed Oka was hiding in the Bushes watching, and he sighed focusing. He saw Haru go to the base, and Ojiro got in position.


Ojiro was sitting by his mother's bed. The doctors told him that this may be the last night she was with her, so he wanted to make the best of it. His mother coughed, and looked at him smiling.

"Ojiro...are you smiling?" she asked.

"...I can't right now," he answered. "The only thing I can think of is you'll be gone soon"

"My dear Ojiro...I love you so much. You're a kind and gentle boy, any mother would love to have you as their child"

She coughed again, and he teared up holding her Hand.

"Ojiro...promise me something. Promise me when you're will protect the ones you care about. Always try to help people, and be brave no matter what. Never let them know that you're scared"

"...I will mom"

She smiled holding his cheek, and hummed the lullaby she always did until he fell asleep. A few minutes later, she closed her Eyes smiling, and laid there peacefully.


"Ojiro!" he heard someone yell.

He looked seeing Fucho holding Oka with a Knife to her Throat, and Ojiro stood still.

"Hey, how's it goin Ojiro Otori?" he asked holding the Knife closer and she squealed. "Care to explain why this brat was staring at you, and was hiding in the Bushes?"

"I wouldn't know" Ojiro lied.

"Fucho," Kazuki warned. "Let the child go!"

"I don't wanna," he answered. "Not until he tells the truth"

Oka looked at him scared, and Ojiro sighed speeding over to Fucho. Before Fucho could react, Ojiro pried Oka away from him and tossed him into a wall. Fucho just laughed and Oka hugged his waist tightly.

"Oka, go sit by the bleachers" he told her.

Oka nodded, and walked to the Chiyoda bleachers sitting in a seat.

"Ojiro," Kazuki said. "...Who is that?"

"None of your concern" Ojiro answered.

Ojiro went back to the pitching spot. Kazuki was confused, but had one idea. If anything went wrong, he would protect the girl. Ojiro had some kind of soft spot for her, and the reason he didn't know. He would however do anything for him. So, Ojiro could count on him to help, even if he didn't know it yet.

Ojiro tossed the Ball in the air, and focused his power. Ojiro punched the Ball, and it sped towards Haru as he connected his Bat with it.

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