Rescued by a hulking brute

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Quin was on the run, their parents just kicked them out for coming out as non binary. On their bike, they decided to camp out in the woods, but little did the adolescent know, their life would be changed forever that night. As Quin was riding through the woods trying to find a good spot to lay their sleeping bag down, 3 angry goblins attacked them. Quin screamed in terror and peddled as fast as their little legs could. Unfortunately, they lost their balance and fell off the bike, making them more vulnerable to the goblins. The goblins waisted no time in cornering Quin, causing them to scream for help. Aaarrrgghh heard Quin's scream and appeared as if he was just around the corner the whole time. As the goblins were about to kill Quin, Aaarrrgghh grabbed the child and ran for Troll Market after noticing that Quin was hurt. Quin screamed again, terrified. Aaarrrgghh opened the portal and went inside quickly. After they were both safe behind the wall, Aaarrrgghh spoke, trying to calm the young adolescent.
"You're safe, please don't scream." He said as he put them down and backed up
"Y-you can talk?" Quin asked, amazed
Aaarrrgghh nodded as Blinky came up the crystal stair case chasing a welp. The welp stopped dead in its tracks after seeing a human for the first time in a year. Flashbacks of humans trying to capture him filled his mind, he started having a panic attack and backed up. Aaarrrgghh sensed the panic before Blinky did and picked up the welp, cradling him in his arm.
"Don't worry Coh, this human won't hurt you." Aaarrrgghh reassured him
"Daddy?" The welp looked up at Aaarrrgghh unsure
"Wait- first you come out of nowhere and take me here then you can talk and now you're a dad?" Quin asked as they sat down
"Also saved your life, goblins would have killed you." Aaarrrgghh pointed out
"Yeah...thanks for that by the way. But where are we?" Quin asked
"You brought a human to our home?? What for?" Blinky asked
"Was about to be eaten by goblins and got hurt. Reminded me of Coh. Couldn't let innocent child be eaten." Aaarrrgghh explained as he put a reassuring hand on Quin's head
"Hurt? How badly?" Blinky asked as he approached the human
"D-dont come closer!" Quin said as they backed away
"Oh don't worry, I would never harm you. I just want to examine your injuries." Blinky said
"How am I supposed to trust you?" Quin asked
"You seem to trust Aaarrrgghh enough to let him touch you, can you let him examine your injuries?" Blinky asked as he gestured to Aaarrrgghh
"Okay..." Quin agreed
"Aaarrrgghh, would you mind?" Blinky asked
"But don't know how." Aaarrrgghh said
"Yes you do. You just have to look and tell me how bad it is." Blinky said
Aaarrrgghh nodded and looked at Quin's bloody leg and scratched up arm.
"Leg bleeding arm scratched." Aaarrrgghh said with a worried expression
"I'm okay, I get this all the time. Don't worry big guy..." Quin trailed off, passing out
Aaarrrgghh caught them and looked at Blinky more worried than ever. Blinky looked around then nodded and picked up Coh. They went to Vendel's usual place hoping to get the kid the help they needed. Vendel noticed the concern in Aaarrrgghh's eyes and immediately grabbed the human and examined them.
"What happened?" Vendel asked
"Aaarrrgghh saved the child from being eaten by goblins and after he told me that the poor thing's leg was bleeding and the arm was scraped up know what happened next." Blinky explained
"This kid got too overwhelmed and passed out. I'll treat these injuries in the meantime." Vendel said
After Quin woke up, they sat up and looked around, starting to panic. Aaarrrgghh sensed the panic attack and rushed over. He picked them up and held them close, which calmed them almost instantly.
"You're safe." Aaarrrgghh said
"Thanks big guy." Quin said, snugging up to him
"You seem to have a bond with Aaarrrgghh, young one." Vendel said as he came into the room
"Wh- who are you?" Quin asked, clearly scared
"I am Vendel. You passed out, and while you were asleep, I treated your injuries. Aaarrrgghh and Blinky have been anxiously waiting for you to wake up." Vendel explained
"Blinky fell asleep so Draal watching Coh. I stayed. Make sure small one okay." Aaarrrgghh said
"You worry too much, Aaarrrgghh." Vendel said, shaking his head
"Need to make sure kid is okay." Aaarrrgghh said
"I'm fine. I promise." Quin said
"Said that before. Passed out." Aaarrrgghh said
"Okay point made." Quin said, crossing their arms.
"Hey look who's awake!" Blinky chimed in
"Heh, I could say the same for you. Aaarrrgghh said you fell asleep." Quin replied
"It's been a while since I slept." Blinky admitted
"Does this kid have any pronouns?" Vendel asked
"Ye- uh..." Quin hesitated
"It's okay, you can tell us." Blinky encouraged
"They/them...I understand if you want me to parents di-" Quin was cut off
"No. Don't leave. Safe here." Aaarrrgghh interrupted
"R-really? No "get out you're a disgrace" or "you're not welcome to show your face to me ever again" ?" Quin asked, genuinely surprised
"Why would we say that? After all, Aaarrrgghh and I are together." Blinky said
Quin started tearing up and smiled. Aaarrrgghh didn't realize that they were happy tears, he looked concerned.
"Don't worry Aaarrrgghh, they're happy tears." Blinky said as he patted Quin on the head
All of a sudden Draal came running into the room in a panic with Coh in his arms. Coh was crying and clinging to Draal.
"Draal what's wrong?" Blinky asked
"Drunken troll on the loose! He tried to kill Coh and I! Where is the troll hunter?" Draal asked
"He's in school, he is just a boy." Blinky said
"Who tried to kill Coh?" Aaarrrgghh growled
"A-Aaarrrgghh?" Quin asked, sensing Aaarrrgghh was angry
Aaarrrgghh put them down and growled. Then he backed away realizing who he just growled at. Looking at Quin's terrified expression hurt Aaarrrgghh more than being killed would have. He caused Quin to curl up in a ball as a form of protection, Quin also started crying.
"Aaarrrgghh didn't mean it fleshbag, please don't cry." Draal pleaded
"Don't hurt me! Please..." Quin begged as they backed up
"Wait. Didn't mean to...I'm sorry." Aaarrrgghh apologized, gently reaching his hand out
Quin looked at Aaarrrgghh and saw the regret in his eyes, realizing he really was sorry, they calmed down. Quin let Aaarrrgghh pick them up and hold them like a newborn baby. Sadly the peace was broken. A troll that was drunk burst into the room roaring. Aaarrrgghh grabbed Coh and tightened his grip on Quin, backing up as he did so. Draal and the drunk troll got into a fight, which ended in the two knocking each other out. Vendel and Blinky checked on the two to make sure they were okay. Draal was fine other than being knocked out, the drunk troll needed a few days of rest. Aaarrrgghh was comforting both kids, trying to get their panic attacks under control.
"Shh, I got you. It's okay." Aaarrrgghh said
"Daddy I'm scared!" Coh said as he got closer to Aaarrrgghh
"Is the spikey one gonna be okay?" Quin asked
"Draal will be fine." Blinky said as he joined the hug
Quin and Coh relaxed and the day went on as normal in Troll Market.

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