Coh and Quin meet Jim and Toby

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Quin was wrestling with Coh, mostly for fun but it was also helping gain strength and self confidence. Coh and Quin seemed to be like two peas in a pod these last couple days. As the two were wrestling in Blinky's library, Blinky walked in talking to someone.
"Master Jim, it is time you and Tobias meet Aaarrrgghh and I's son and his new friend. But be warned, he's a little skittish around new humans." Blinky said
"You have a son??" Toby asked in shock
"You and Aaarrrgghh are together??" Jim asked
"Yes and yes. Aaarrrgghh and I have been "together" as you say, for 5 centuries. However, it is a platonic relationship." Blinky confirmed
As the three come around the corner they see Coh on top of Quin, pinning them down, and both are laughing. Blinky smiles proudly at the two getting along so well. He interrupts Coh and Quin's roughhousing by clearing his throat. The two look up and see Blinky and two boys.
"Hi dad! Wait who are they?" Coh backs up as he asks
"Not to worry, Jim is the troll hunter, he and Tobias will not harm you, my son." Blinky comforted the welp
"I still can't believe we've known Blinky and Aaarrrgghh for almost six months and haven't figured this out!" Toby said
"They know you?" Quin asked
"I am Master Jim's trainer and advisor." Blinky confirmed
"And his surrogate father too." Toby chimed in
"Tobes! I wasn't ready for him to know yet!" Jim hissed
"Oops, sorry Jimbo." Toby apologized
"So the troll hunter is like a big brother to me?" Coh asked
"If you want, yes." Blinky said
"Okay." Coh nodded
"Oh, and Master Jim," Blinky pauses and picks up Jim "You are my son too." He finished
Jim's face lit up with a big happy smile as he hugged Blinky. Blinky chuckled and hugged the boy back. Aaarrrgghh walked in and looked confused.
"Wingman! Where you been buddy?" Toby asked as he ran up to Aaarrrgghh
"Uh...out?" Aaarrrgghh hesitated
"What do you mean out?" Toby asked
"Uh...tell you later. Need to talk to Blinky alone." Aaarrrgghh said, looking away
"Aaarrrgghh? Is something wrong? You never push Tobias away. What's going on?" Blinky questioned
"Bad news. Need to talk." Aaarrrgghh said
"Oh dear, alright I'll be in your domicile shortly." Blinky said
With that Aaarrrgghh hugged Toby and left. Everyone was confused about the sudden distant behavior. Blinky put Jim down and signaled for them to stay, then quickly went after Aaarrrgghh. Once the two were in Aaarrrgghh's cave, Aaarrrgghh started tearing up, which conserved Blinky.
"Aaarrrgghh? What's wrong?" Blinky asked, putting his hand on Aaarrrgghh's arm
Aaarrrgghh just picked him up and hugged him, trying to pull himself together. After pulling himself together a little bit, Aaarrrgghh let go of Blinky and took a deep breath.
"Vendel say Queen Usurna coming to take me away. Don't wanna leave! Happy here." Aaarrrgghh explains
Blinky is at a loss of words, all he can manage to do is hug Aaarrrgghh. The two hug for a minute or two.
"Why is she trying to take you away?" Blinky asked, wiping tears away
"Vendel say she just wants to. Vendel sad too." Aaarrrgghh said
"She can't take you away for no reason. Troll Market is your home!" Blinky said
"Hm. Wish Usurna saw that." Aaarrrgghh said, laying down
Blinky climbed into Aaarrrgghh's belly and layed down, making Aaarrrgghh smile. After laying there for a few minutes, Aaarrrgghh sat up, catching Blinky in his arms. The two chuckle as Aaarrrgghh puts him down.
"How I tell wingman and Jim? What I tell Coh? And what I tell Quin? It make them sad but they need to know." Aaarrrgghh said
"I'll come with you to tell them when you're ready. But I will do everything I can to make sure you don't get taken away." Blinky promised
Aaarrrgghh smiled sympathetically. While they were talking about this bad news, the kids played in the forge. They were all having fun until Quin fell and was now clinging onto the side of the huge platform in the air. Coh tried pulling them up but failed. Jim and Toby tried getting to her but they tripped and fell and were now in the same situation as Quin. Coh ran to find help, of course finding Draal.
"Draal! Need help! Forge!" Coh panted then ran back to the forge
Draal followed, highly concerned about Coh's actions and words. Once they got into the forge, Draal knew what Coh needed.
"What happened?!" Draal yelled at he rescued the three just as they slipped one by one
"I slipped and they all tried to get me back up but couldn't, Coh tried to pull me up but he couldn't so Jim and Toby tried to get to me but then Jim fell and then Toby did." Quin explained
"From now on no more being in the forge without either me or Aaarrrgghh. That way no more near death situations happen." Draal ordered
"Fair enough." Jim said
"What? No it's not fair! We're old enough to be able to handle it." Toby protested
"Clearly not. If it wasn't for Coh coming to get help, you three would be dead! You need to be more careful. You three aren't trolls. Coh is only four years old." Draal scolded
"Fine." Toby pouted
Draal carried the four kids to Blinky's library, only to find no one in there. He then went to Aaarrrgghh's cave and knocked on the side.
"Who there?" Aaarrrgghh asked
"It's me. I had to rescue three of your kids. Coh came running to me asking for help." Draal said
"Is anyone hurt?" Blinky asked, coming out of the cave with Aaarrrgghh right behind him
"No, but these three almost died because of their recklessness." Draal said
"It wasn't recklessness! We just slipped." Jim protested
"You were in the forge by yourselves?" Blinky asked, slightly angry
"Uh..." Toby trailed off
"We told you not to go alone in case any time ja back something happened. You're lucky Draal was near by. What were you four thinking?" Blinky scolded
"So I don't have to establish this rule, it was already made. Interesting." Draal said, clearly annoyed
"Can you put us down? Please?" Toby asked
"You didn't follow the rules, so no." Draal responded
"Okay is Draal a big brother or a friend?" Jim asked
"He might as well be an older brother to all of you. It seems you need someone to play that roll." Blinky said
"Wait what? No thank you!" Toby said as he tried to get out of Draal's arm
Draal just grabbed him with his other arm and handed him to Aaarrrgghh. Aaarrrgghh wasn't too happy to hear that the four of them were in the forge by themselves, but didn't lecture them as they were lectured twice already. He took Toby and nudged him into the cave, along with the rest of the kids. Aaarrrgghh then went into the cave with them.
"He sure has come a long way, he's a great dad." Draal said
"Indeed. Thank you for rescuing them. I will go help him deal with four children." Blinky said, walking back into the cave
With that, Draal smiled and left. In the cave, Aaarrrgghh had all four of them sitting in a "corner" and pouting. Blinky chuckled at this.
"I didn't think you had it in you to discipline them." Blinky said
"They put their lives in danger. Need more than lecture." Aaarrrgghh said as he laid down and curled up
"Wow...we even made Aaarrrgghh mad. He never gets mad Jimbo! How do we fix it?" Toby ranted
"You can start by being quiet. Being in a corner means no talking, Tobias." Blinky said
"Right. Sorry." Toby said
"So how long are they going to be in the corner?" Blinky asked Aaarrrgghh
"Til I'm not mad." Aaarrrgghh said
"Fair enough. I'll be in my library if you need me." Blinky said as he started to walk out
"Wait.." Aaarrrgghh said
"Yes, Aaarrrgghh?" Blinky asked
"Stay?" Aaarrrgghh begged
"Alright. But quit giving me those big puppy eyes! It's too irresistible." Blinky huffed
Aaarrrgghh chuckled and pulled him into his arms. After about five minutes Aaarrrgghh let the kids stop being in the "corner" after giving them all disapproving glares. They all looked down after making eye contact. Blinky was surprised by Aaarrrgghh's reaction, but also proud. He was proud that Aaarrrgghh could do the tough part of parenting, which was of course discipline.

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