Last Day of Camp

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I am so unbelievably tired as of late, and my sleep schedule is fucked. It is a lot trying to balance this writing stuff and then literally every other part of my life at the moment. But writing this story and publishing it for you guys has brought a sense of confidence and purpose to my work. I love seeing the number of people reading go up and seeing that someone has left a review or comment for me to see.

But I hope you all are enjoying the story and that you come back for more.

"Hello.": Normal talking.

"HELLO.": Yelling.

"Hello" Speaking through the radio.

'Hello': Thinking.

What: Emphasizing a word.

"HELLO": Signs and Warnings.

* bang *: Sound effects.


* alarm blaring *

* alarm blaring *

* alarm blaring *

As you can tell, the alarm continuously blared out throughout the late evening. All the campers got out of their respective spots in the stands and rushed to meet up with each other. An automated message was played over the intercom, no longer a woman's voice, this was a male and had a more serious tone to it.

"Attention. All park-goers must report to the South Ferry Dock for immediate evacuation. Last ferry departs in two hours."

Brooklynn and Sammy stopped running as they arrived at a more central point in the stands for everyone to meet up.

"That's it? No explanations? That's all we get?" Brooklynn asks out loud.

Darius and Kenji were the next ones to meet up as they vaulted over the railing to join the girls.

"We have to move. The only way we're gonna make it is if we run." Darius said to them.

"Um..." Sammy hummed as she looked back at the two who were joining them now, which were Cass and Yasmina, with Cass rolling his shoulders and hissing in pain from the fall he took. "Are we sure that's the best way to get there?" She asks Darius.

"I'll be fine, Sammy. It hurts, but not enough to slow me down. Plus, I've had worse." Cass tells the girl as he and Yaz lean up against the railing.

"You should be way more worried about Ben and Bumpy." Yasmina said as she thumbed in the direction of the two as they finally caught up.

Ben and Bumpy finally came to a stop, with Ben panting as he caught his breath. "What we should all be worried about is catching a boat out of here and, naturally, we have a problem." He says as he pulls out a map from his fanny pack and sets it down on a bench for everyone to see. "We're here." He points to their location at the lagoon. "The docks are on the southern tip of the island." He moved his finger to said location. "Even if we ran at Yaz's full speed, there's no way we'd make the last boat out."

"You don't know that." Sammy tried to argue.

Ben scoffs at her. "Yes, I do. I memorized the evacuation plan on the ferry ride over." He explained which caused everyone to groan out except Cass.

"Good thinking, Ben. As for the rest of you, I'd rather us have fewer options than to waste time on pointless ones." Cass said as he crossed his arms and looked at his group of campers, with Ben giving him a look of appreciation.

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