Chapter 12

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Thunderburst followed Optimus into the swirling green and blue portal. They were in the middle of the desert, with nothing in sight. No possible hiding places for any 'cons to hide, which was blatantly obvious from Megatron standing with his back to them.

He turned as the portal closed, and his optics immediately met with Thunderburst's. Her spark lurched in her chest. His optics, no longer a brilliant red, shone like sapphires. She stepped forward, but stopped when she reached Optimus' side. Megatron gave her a faint smile before he looked at the Prime.

"Optimus", he greeted wearily. "It's been a long time since we've met peacefully."

Optimus' voice was even. "And hopefully the times will continue to be peaceful."

Megatron nodded. "I agree. Now... what are your terms for the end of the war? I imagine none of my troops will be getting away without doing some time."

Bulkhead scoffed. "You got that right, Buckethead."

Optimus sent a warning glance to the wrecker, and Thunderburst had to bite back a burst of anger. She bit her glossa to keep from arguing with her friend.

"I would like to hear your reasoning behind ending the war before I make any decisions on what we should do with your followers."

"Understandable", Megatron conceded. "I have to admit, it wasn't because of anything you've done. Rather, your sister is what cleared my head of my anger. Now all I am filled with is an immense amount of guilt. I have done many unspeakable things, including killing friends and family of many Autobots and Decepticons alike. I have torn families apart, much like I did with us. Optimus, you were my brother. I hope that one day, I can be your brother once more."

Optimus was quiet. "You never stopped being my brother, Megatron."

Megatron raised his hand. "Please... that name leaves a foul taste in my mouth, as it will with any name once belonging to me. I would like to be called by a different name, one that won't remind people of my actions."

Optimus glanced down at Thunderburst, who was thinking hard. "Silverstreak", she finally said. "No one will think anything of it, but it still matches you."

"I accept", the newly named Silverstreak said with a small smile. "As I will accept any punishment you send my way."

Optimus was about to speak, but Bumblebee shoved his way forward, angrily yelling at Silverstreak. He was speaking so fast it was hard to understand him, but by the time Thunderburst realized what he said, he had already released a blaster from his wrist plate, and was aiming to fire.

Without thinking, Thunderburst leapt forward, shoving Bumblebee down. His blaster shifted to be directly against her chest. By the time he had realized what had happened, it was too late to stop his blaster from firing.

The femme cried out, managing to push herself up and stumble away from Bumblebee. She looked down at the two holes going directly through her spark. She crumpled, eliciting a scream from Silverstreak.

She was gently caught and laid to the ground. She looked up to see Silverstreak's face. His blue optics shone sadly, and he looked up to find Ratchet.

"Why are you just standing there?!" he yelled. "Help her!"

Ratchet started moving, inspecting the wound. "I need to get to a medical bay, stat!"

"Soundwave, bridge me and the Autobots directly to the medbay", Silverstreak said urgently. "Knockout, be prepared to save a life!" A groundbridge opened up, and he scooped up the small femme in his arms. Without a word, he rushed through the groundbridge, where Knockout was waiting. Thunderburst groaned as she was shifted onto the medbay, and she faintly heard Ratchet barking orders to Knockout. The two medics worked feverishly, while the Autobots and Silverstreak watched.

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