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Thunderburst sat on the edge of a cliff, overlooking the Sea of Rust. The sun was setting, casting a beautiful glow through the rust clouds. After Silverstreak and Miko had explained everything, she was able to be discharged from the hospital, and she immediately came to this outlook. 

She sighed softly, and brought her knees up to her chassis. "I miss you, Optimus", she whispered. "This view isn't the same without you."

The war had ended, and shortly after, they discovered the Omega Keys. They were able to restore Cybertron, but upon Primus' awakening, so had what was left of Unicron's spark. He possessed Silverstreak, traumatizing the newly transformed mech. This all happened while Optimus was off looking for the Allspark. When her brother had returned, Unicron tried to destroy it, and the only way it was able to be stopped was for Optimus to absorb the Allspark into him. He then sacrificed himself to allow new sparks to replenish the Well of Allsparks. 

"You stupid, selfless, honorable mech", she muttered to herself. "You're my big brother. You were supposed to be there when I woke up."

"I think all those adjectives could be described about you, as well, sweetspark", Silverstreak said. Thunderburst turned to look at her sparkmate. 

"What do you mean?" she rolled her optics. Silverstreak sat next to her, and she leaned against his shoulder. He wrapped an arm around her, and together they watched the sunset.

"The first time we met", he started. "You sacrificed yourself to save Optimus. So the Autobots could have their leader. I admit, you played me pretty well with that one. But Optimus would have described you the same way. It was a stupid move on your part, but it was also selfless and honorable, and I am grateful that you were that stupid to do that."

"Jerk", Thunderburst said, but she was smiling. "I'm glad that I was stupid enough to take Optimus' place too."

They went quiet as the last of the sun disappeared over the horizon, and as the first stars began to appear overhead, Thunderburst spoke one last time.

"I love you."

"I know."

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