Chapter 5

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Day 2 of being in a room that isn't in the brig

Megatron has been acting weird lately. Like, he's being nice to me, and I'm not sure if I like it or not. I know I don't trust him. He is the leader of the Decepticons after all.

I don't really know what to do. He tried taking me on a tour of the warship today, but I had a panic attack. I was walking beside him, when it suddenly occurred to me that he is twice my height and could easily snap me in half if he wanted to. It reminded me of you know who. We both know how that turned out.

But then Megatron tried to comfort me. I almost hugged him. Fought against that reaction, but I wanted to so badly. I don't even know why. He's just... he's being weird. This isn't at all what I was taught about him. Well, okay, the first part of my stay here was expected, but something's changed. Maybe it's one of Megatron's tactics to try and get me to reveal more about the Autobots, or maybe he's having a change of heart, however unlikely that may be. Whatever it is, it's making me nervous.

Anyway, I'll make notes of what happens, and maybe then I'll be able to figure it out.

Signing off,


Thunderburst sat back after turning off the datapad. She looked around the room, sighing softly. She got up and pressed the button to be let out. A few minutes later, the door opened, and two vehicons were at the door.

"Ah- hello", she said, surprised. "I wasn't expecting you guys. I was expecting Megatron."

They looked at each other. "Megatron instructed us to finish the tour he started."

Thunderburst's optics dimmed. "Oh", she said softly. "Well, it'll be great to get to know you. What are your names?"

"I'm ST3VE and this is my partner 4DR14N", the one on the left said. Thunderburst blinked.

"Those aren't names, those are designations", she said. "So I'm going to call you Steve and Adrian instead of by your designations. There, now you have names."

They glanced at each other, before Steve shrugged. "Alright by me." Adrian nodded in agreement. And thus the tour of the warship began.

Megatron watched the small femme through the cameras, his spark trying to get to her through the camera. He frowned, trying to ignore his spark. This was not going as planned. She was supposed to be falling for him, not the other way around.

'No! No!' he snapped silently at himself. 'I am not falling for her! She just intrigues me, is all.'

Soundwave watched his leader, amused at the fact that the warlord wasn't even hiding his frustration at all. The silent mech knew what was happening to Megatron, even if the warlord didn't see it himself yet.

'Oh, Megatron', Soundwave thought. 'Any other femme, this likely would have worked. But you just had to pick your sparkmate.'


Thunderburst laughed with the two vehicons she had very quickly befriended. Things had been going well, actually, and they were very informative on the tour, though probably not in the way Megatron intended.

The femme now knew all about all of the Decepticons on the warship, and she had asked to officially meet Knockout, now that she wasn't in chains. The vehicons shared a glance, but agreed nonetheless. So now they were on their way to the medbay, where Knockout and Breakdown would likely be.

As expected, Knockout was there, but there was no sign of Breakdown. The red mech barely even looked up from what he was doing.

"If you're not Breakdown, you can get out", he snapped. Thunderburst was shocked, but she watched the mech carefully.

"Where is Breakdown?" she asked, tilting her head. Knockout twisted around, surprise crossing his face at the femme's voice.

"I forgot Megatron had let you out of your cell", he muttered. "What are you doing here?"

Thunderburst didn't miss a beat. "My guards told me about everyone on the warship, and I wanted to come meet you, officially. You know, in a position were I don't seem as much of a captive."

A small smile crossed Knockout's face. "Out of everyone you could have met, you came to meet me?"

"Well, you seem like the least deadly", the femme answered. "And I'm not entirely sure I'm ready to see Megatron right now."

"Why's that?" the red mech asked. Thunderburst gave him a wry smile, but didn't answer his question.

"I'll tell you, if you tell me why you're so upset that Breakdown isn't here."

Knockout froze, before an amused smile crossed his face. "Ah. You're one of those. An empathetic. No wonder you joined the Autobots."

Thunderburst shrugged. "It seemed like the obvious answer, and you know, my brother is kind of the leader of the Autobots."

"You seem like you're close to him", Knockout observed. The femme nodded.

"Very. Now... are you going to answer my question?" The red mech chuckled.

"According to Starscream, he was abducted by a human company called MECH", he told her. Thunderburst winced, remembering their first encounter with MECH. They were a scary group to be enemies with, if she was honest.

"Well, from what I know of Breakdown, MECH doesn't stand a chance", the Autobot told the Decepticon medic. Uncertainty made it's way to Knockout's face. "I'm sure he'll be back soon."

Knockout still didn't seem certain, but he quickly hid his uncertainty with a smirk. "So now, why don't you answer my question. Why don't you want to see Megatron right now?"

Thunderburst frowned. "I had a panic attack in front of him. He... reminded me of someone I once knew."

The medic tilted his head. "How so?" he asked.

"Just by how tall he is. He's twice my height if you haven't noticed", Thunderburst added sarcastically. Knockout chuckled.

"Fair point."

After that, the conversation just drifted from topic to topic, the two enemies slowly but surely becoming friends.

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