In The Beginning...

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There was nothing.

Until, of course, the Big Bang occured. The birth of two sisters was brought forth by this mighty explosion.

One of the sisters was a guardian of light and warmth, of strength and courage that shined brilliantly in the darkest of places. And the other was a guardian of peace and coolness, of intelligence and humility that reflected calmly in the universe's aura.
These two would become the Goddesses of our world, which they decided to declare as their Trove. The Sun Goddess and Moon Goddess, respectively. The Sun Goddess created the majority of the races in their Trove, while the Moon Goddess focused more on a few smaller ones, simple side projects, if you will. And, to oversee these creations, the Sun Goddess created the Lesser Gods to assist in doing so. Such as the God of Combat and the God of Healing, for example.

The races thrived under the care of the Lesser Gods, growing in number and expanding their civilization.
But suddenly, out of seemingly nowhere, the Moon Goddess lashed out. Her magic overwhelmed the cities as she attacked, the mass genocide known as "The Darkening" taking place. She seemed to have been assisted by the God of Chaos, Cthulhu, in this slaughtering.
The Sun Goddess, witnessing this brutality, decided to step in. She gathered her strength and unleashed a mighty explosion, killing herself but taking the Moon Goddess and her army with her.

Or so it seemed... Several of the Moon Goddess's servants survived the blast and still lurk in the darkness...
Which is why the races now work together, fighting off the remaining creatures to avenge their lost Sun Goddess's final wishes.

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