Races and their Lore (Part Two)

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Lunatics are a race of fox-like humanoids. They tower at the height of 7"3 on average. However, their close cousins (known as The Solunarics, Lunatics made by both the Sun and Moon Goddesses) are 8 feet tall on average.
Their fur colors can range from a silvery grey to a bright orange, the colors normal foxes would have. Their eyes can range from silver to blue.
Lunatics are devoted to the Moon Goddess. They're a race of wisdom and humility, and they rarely lash out at anyone. That is, until The Darkening occured. There was a divide among them, and some sided with the Darkness while others were left scratching their heads. After The Darkening, the surviving Lunatics took up arms and joined the war that followed. They became fighters and scholars alike, teaching as well as joining in on the art of combat. They're infamous for their spear and trident skills. They also possess a unique skill, which is calling upon a blessing from the moon itself to transform into were-beasts for a short period of time. This can only occur during combat or other high-adrenaline situations.
They're very paranoid in personality, unwilling to trust people right away. The worst cases suffer from traits resembling paranoid schizophrenia. However, with time, they can open up to be almost puppy-like in behavior. Unfortunately, they face racial prejudice due to the actions of Lunatics during The Darkening. They live short lifespans of 40-60 years on average, and can reproduce faster than humans. However, the war is driving them to near-extinction.

Solunarics, the cousins of the Lunatics, are the most common of the two races. They're very tall, standing at 8 feet on average. Their eyes range from blue to a dark brown, almost black. Their fur color goes from brown to orange, not quite as diverse as the Lunatics. And they always tend to have the smell of marijuana following them. However, this isn't the result of drug usage. Instead, it's a natural scent that they possess. They aren't descended from foxes, but rather Maned Wolves (https://youtu.be/oBSGEl-yB7A). And unlike Lunatics, who live either on the shores of the Everdark or in the Fae Forest, they live in the Jurassic Jungle. Their lifespans are roughly the same as Lunatics.
Solunarics are a lot more open and charismatic than their cousins. They're relaxed, carefree, and have a very "you only live once" attitude to them. However, unfortunately, they DO face racial prejudice due to the actions of Lunatics during The Darkening. They fight more on the strength side rather than using spears, and their were-beast forms are much bigger and stronger than those of Lunatics.

Vanguardians are the Trove's version of Angels. They are below the rank of Lesser Gods, but above the rank of Mortals. They possess inhuman strength, the natural power of flight, and the ability to use pure energy itself to attack foes. These beings of divinity can come from any race, and are usually brought back to life by a God. They serve under the orders of their God, be it good or evil. So a Vanguardian's alignment depends on the God they serve. This determines their personality too. They live so long as their God lives.

Lesser Gods:
The Lesser Gods are below the rank of the Goddesses, but are above those of Vanguardians. They exist on another plane of existence, and are nearly indestructible. However, as seen with the God of Celebration, they can be corrupted by outside forces into joining a side of Darkness. They can look like anything one can conceive, as when a mortal tries to look at their ACTUAL appearance, they often go mad. This is because Gods are infinite, and the mind is incapable of comprehending infinity incarnate. So, they simply shape themselves into something less overstimulating for the mind of a Mortal. They can live forever, unless killed by a higher being or another God.

Demigods are hybrids between Mortals and Gods, and take on the appearance of their Mortal parent's race. Although, they will possess otherworldly features, such as a third eye or even an unusually tall height. The most prominent Demigod is Impera, the Daughter of the Moon Goddess. Unfortunately, she works for the Darkness that her mother left behind, alongside Cthulhu, the God of Madness. They can live up to 5,000 years.

Beings made from the black magic of the Moon Goddess, born from the dark side of the moon. In their most primal form, they look like wisps of black smoke. However, as they age, they slowly take on a more humanoid shape. They grow shadowy limbs, as well as body parts made of plasma and metal. They're cruel, near-mindless creatures of brutality. Their lust for war and violence clouds any rational thoughts they may have. And they seem to be able to live forever, unless killed by someone. They multiply like rats, their numbers growing sharply.

Maddened are beings created by the God of Madness, who worked alongside the Moon Goddess in The Darkening. They take on octopus-like or fish-like appearances, and often are colored as green and purple. They drip with slime and mucus, and appear to be constantly crying. They can be created from the dead bodies of other Maddened, or created by Mortals who have fallen under Cthulhu's influence, as seen with the Weeping Prophet. They have lifespans of about 20-500 years, depending on how big they are.

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