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He punchs the window, making me jump up again.
I don't know what to do. I am too scared to think straight.
He bangs even more and harder on the window. For a moment I thought the glass might break.
I look around, seeking for help. But no one is there. Everyone seems to be in school.
With the next bang, I move back, to Eddie's seat where the steering wheel is.
My back hits the other door and there it cracks in my head.
Without loosing eye contact with Billy, I slip my hand behind my back, trying to open the door.
Damn it! Eddie locked the doors, I completely forgot.
I try to find something else on the door to open it.
And indeed.
I feel a small button that is pressed down and pull on it. I move my hand back down to the handle, pulling it towards me.
And it worked.
The door flies open and I jump out of the car.
Of course Billy noticed what I'm doing, so he  already ran halfway around the car, giving me the signal to start running.
I'm only wearing socks that Eddie gave me - I mean none of his shoes could fit me anyway - so running is a really hard thing to do right now, even harder because of my wound.
Billy is faster than me either way, so he quickly catches up, hardly holding onto my neck.
And I let him.
I always was scared to use my powers. But after last night, I barely even can.
"Now, you bitch, you gonna tell me what you did to my guys!", his grip on my neck tightens.
"I...I didn't do anything..."
"Awwww you didn't do anything?", he says ironically, "So you and Munson didn't do that stuff to my friends?", the hand tightens more.
"I-I'm so-sorry...", I whisper, telling him he is right.
He tightens his grip once more before harshly pushing me down to the floor.
My face hits the hot asphalt. I notice blood running down my face, coming from my nose and my forehead, followed by loud ringing in my ear.
It burns. It burns from the inside and I can't do anything about it.
I look up to him, his leg already tilted to the back, ready to kick me in my abdomen as a sudden voice appears.
"HEY!", it's Eddie.
Billy puts his leg back down, slowly walking towards Eddie who approaches us with two other guys beside him.
"Ah perfect!", Billy says to the boys, "The freak himself. Was waitin' for you. You and your little bitch here gonna get what you deserve!", he gets angrier with every word he says.
"So you beat up girls now, Hargrove?", Eddie answers him.
"Yesterday", Billy begins, "my friends were with her, now they're dead. And I find her in that thing you call 'car'. Funny coincidence, right?"
"Well, Hargrove, if your friends weren't rapists, nothing bad would happen to them"
That was enough for him. I feel Billy losing all his anger, replacing it with the wish of pure violence.
And that's what happens.
Before anyone can react, Billy punches Eddie in the face, making him fall on the ground.
The other two boys run to Billy, trying to stop him by holding onto his arms and torso, but he quickly pushes them away, making them back off.
That probably was the smartest thing they could do. Billy is not a weak person. He could easily hurt them and that wouldn't help Eddie either.

I still feel very dizzy, laying on the ground while watching the scene.
Billy kicks Eddie in the spine and the ribs, making him cry out in pain.
I slowly get up, not sure if I am able to stand on my feet.
But feeling in how much pain Eddie is, makes my will to do it even stronger.
So I stand up now, trying my best to not fall back down while putting my hand up, directed at Billy.
He hurt me, made me dizzy, unable to think straight.
My powers don't work how they should.
I concentrate, closing my eyes.
Still nothing happens.
He continues to kick Eddie, who slowly begins to pass out. The other boys already started to run to the building to seek for help.
But the guy just looks at me and smirks, giving Eddie another hard kick in his stomach.
That was enough for me.
I start screaming, pulling my hand back up.
Within seconds, Billy flies away from Eddie and right into a parking car, falling harshly on the ground.
The two boys must have heard my scream. They turn around and start running back to the scenery.
I look at Billy, who lays motionless on the ground, for a few more seconds before shifting my attention back to Eddie, quickly running to him.
I kneel down beside him, touching his torso - a few ribs seem to be broken.
I push his shirt up, pressing my two hands over his ribs. The skin is already bruised and begins to turn yellow-blue-purple-ish.
I squeeze down the flesh beneath my hands, feeling his hard bones press in my skin.
I close my eyes, moving my energy to my hands only.
I feel the bones in his body slowly moving.
"What are you-", probably one of the boys who came back.
But I don't let myself get distracted.
I continue moving his bones the way I want to, feeling where they connect. They definitely were out of place.

I open my eyes, now looking at two puzzled faces.
"I only helped him", I try to explain.
The two boys look at each other.
"Can you help me bring him to the car?", I've never spoken that much to others, but it's like my mouth moves by itself, making the words just fly out of it.
Without saying anything, but with the same puzzled looks glued to their faces, we carry Eddie to his truck, laying him down on the back.
I take off the jacket he gave me this morning and putting it under his head.
"And now?", I look the boys in the faces, hoping they know what we should do now.
"Hm...we need someone who can drive us to the hospital", the boy with black hair and the big nose says.
"Are you mad, Mike!?", the one with the cap and the curly, brown hair replies, "Eddie doesn't have an health insurance, he's gonna kill us when he wakes up in a hospital!"
The two think for a few more seconds before the boy with the cap jumps up.
"That's great!", the boy, Mike, answers, "Quick, call him!"
And with that the boy runs off.
As I look at Mike, I notice the body of Billy laying behind him.
I walk towards it, kneeling down.
I cup his face between my hands, trying to notice movement in his body.
He is still alive. That's a good thing.
His eyes start to move, slowly opening.
Within seconds he stands back on his feet, holding onto the car he hit so he won't fall back down.
"GO AWAY FROM ME! DONT TOUCH ME! YOU HEAR ME? DONT FUCKING TOUCH ME!", he starts hysterically screaming and running away to his car.
He can't drive like that. He's in a bad condition. But that doesn't stop him. He's scared of me.

you belong with me - Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now