Part 1

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About a year ago was when you first met the Straw Hats. You always wanted to be a pirate for freedom and the wonderful ocean, so when Luffy invited you to his crew you jumped at the chance to sail the seas.

Within these few past days, you were starting to develop feelings for your Captain. You liked him because of the wonderful personality he had; he was kind, he cared for his crew, he was funny and above all else he was cute.  You were thinking of all the adventurers you went on with the crew and your Captain until your train of thought was interrupted.

"(Y/N) MY LOVE FOODS READY!" Sanji screamed with hearts in his eyes.

You stood up and were about to go to the dining room but you noticed that Zoro was still training. Knowing Sanji, you knew that he didn't tell Zoro about the delicious food he prepared. You decided to tell the swordsman about the food before your Captain ate it all.

"Hey Zoro, did Sanji tell you that foods read?" You asked him.

"That damn cook" The swordsman mumbled under his breath. 

Taking that as a 'no' you continued.

"Well, you know Luffy if we don't go now then he will gobble it all up." You started.

"And he is probably complaining about how longs it's taking us." You giggled.

"Yeah.." The swordsman started. 

"Thanks (y/n)." He said smiling.

You smiled back. After Zoro put down the weights he was holding he grabbed a towel to dry himself off. When he was done you two walked together to the dining room. As soon as you walked in there you heard yelling.


"You know Zoros not here either." Usopp added.

"NO ONE GIVES A DAMN ABOUT THAT MOSS HEAD, HE PROBABLY GOT LOST." Sanji yelled as he continued to push Luffy away.

You sat down next to Usopp and Zoro sat at the empty spot next to you.

"Oh (y/n), my love I didn't see you." Sanji added.

You gave him a closed eye smile.

"Can I eat now, (y/n) is here." Luffy asked.

You blushed, Luffy just mentioning your name gave you butterflies.

(Time Skip, after you had eaten)

As everyone was off getting ready for bed or to go do something else, you decided to help Sanji out with the dishes as a thank you for the delicious food he had prepared.

"Oh (y/n), you don't have to do that."Sanji said while washing a plate.

"But I really want to because you put a lot of effort into making delicious food and this is a small little thank you for it." You replied with a smile.

After you were done with the dishes you were walking to your bed when you saw Luffy. He was sitting on his usual spot looking at the moon and sea. You climb on the lion's head and sat next to Luffy.

"Hey, Luffy..." You said.

While still staring at the ocean the boy answered back with a hum.

"Hmm." He replied.

"Why are you sitting out here in the dark?" You asked.

"I mean don't get me wrong the ocean looks lovely but everyone else is asleep so I just thought that you would be too." You continued. 

The boy looked at you making you a little bit nervous which caused you to blush. He sat there for a couple of seconds until he finally broke the silence. 

"I was just thinking that the moon looked very nice on the ocean waves." He answered.

You both sat there looking at the reflection of the moon on the waves. It was so quiet and peacefully.

Caught in the middle (Luffy x Reader x Zoro)Where stories live. Discover now