Chapter 15 : Resist

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Lily's POV 

Gregory's eyes kept on changing colors, amber yellow to purple to two different colors. He clutched his head, " You will not c-control me, " Gregory said, and I went to his side. " You need to resist his control Gregory. For us, for your friends and everyone, people need your help. Please RESIST HIS CONTROL, " I shouted. Gregory kept on fighting the mind control, please I hope he can resist William's control.

Gregory's POV :

My grandfather is trying to get into my head, and I need to resist his control. ' I WILL NOT FOLLOW YOU, NEVER, ' I shouted in my mind. But my grandfather kept on trying, but I will resist his mind control. My mom is telling me people need me and I need to resist his control, once and for all. ' Just give in, ' his voice said, but I refused to listen to him.He isn't my parents, and I will never give in. I kept on fighting his control, ' My family need me, my friends me, and the others need me. And you will not control me ANY LONGER, ' I shouted in my mind. Then I fainted, before blacking out again.

I woke up in my mindscape, and saw my grandfather's spirit. He had a knife in his hand, and I pulled out my sword. He turned around, " Let's finish this, " he said, as he lunged at me. I close my eyes, and waited for the perfect moment. Then dodged his attack, and he ended up hitting the wall of my mind. I turned around to him, " You may be good, but you will I say, " he said. He lunged again, but this time I jumped into the water.

I swan in water, and to see he will followed me. And he did, then the water turned into a room, not just any room, Evan ( C.C )'s room. William saw the room we are in, " How did you have my son's memories ? " he asked, as looked around him. Then I did a surprised attack, and I didn't missing. " Why are you on their side, " he asked, and I gave him the silent treatment before I ran out the room. I running down the hallways, to get away from William.

I saw a few of the nightmares animatronics, but they didn't see me. I snuck passed them , and kept on running, for dear life. Then the floor collapsed, and fell through the floor with a yelp. But I landed perfect fine, and I saw my grandfather fell on his butt. And I couldn't help but laugh, but I need to be serious. I gave him the poker face looked, and he tried to attacked me again. But this time I blocked his attack, by using my sword.

" Why don't you JUST GIVE UP, ALREADY, GRANDFATHER ? " I snapped at him, and this took him surprised. But he attacked me again, I dodged as many attack as I can. " Why can't you just leave my mind ? " I asked, and he said " Well grandson, to get my revenge on your parents. But no, you just can't give in. " Then he kicked me in the guts, and that hurt though. " You are a weakling, you are nothing, and you are useless, " he snapped, and the last thing he said remind me about when my father called me 'Useless.'

" I am not useless, I am powerful, " I said as I got up to face him. " I am not weak, I am strong, and I am not nothing, I am somebody, " I said to my grandfather, and that surprised him. " This is my mind, and you CANNOT CONTROL ME, NEVER AND EVER, AGAIN, " I shouted and white light blasted in my mind and my grandfather yelled " NOOOOOOOoooooo" then disappeared from my mind. "Is he gone" I said aloud. 

Then the floor collapsed, and I fell into the my mind abyss of the sea. I fell in the water, and my ring on my necklace is glowing gold and blue colors. I close my eyes, as I fell in the abyss of my mind.

I woke up and everyone was surrounding me. " How long was I out for ? " I asked.

Glitchtrap/William Afton's POV :

HOW THAT DAMN CHILD BROKE FROM MY MIND CONTROL ?!?!?!? Now I can't control him, anymore. Then I have to killed this child, myself!

Gregory's POV :

My mom helped me up and looked at me. Then it looked like she seen a ghost, " Mom, what's wrong ? " I asked to her. " Your eyes, one is amber yellow, and the other is emerald green, " she said, and she found her mirror in her bag. Then show to me, I took her small mirror from her hands, and looked at it. She was right my eyes are different, how is this possible. " How is this possible ? " I asked, and everybody was silent. " I know it's possible, " said Evan ( C.C ), behind me and I turned around to see him. " The reason why you managed to broke the control is because, Gregory, you are the only person that was born with a technology abilities and a dark side. "

I was shocked, but he continued explaining, " When those abilities combined, it cause a light blast to make people leave your mind or hurt them or killed in reality. The reason why you have a emerald green eye, because you were born with it. " This is the most shocking thing that was said in my life. I was still processing what just happened right now.

 " So you're saying, when these two abilities combined that will happened, " I summary what Evan ( C.C ) just said. And he nodded, " But can I control any chances, " I asked to him. " You can control the blast, but you need your inner strength to control, " he said. Well, this is bad but good. But this ability can kill people, ' I wonder if it can kill glitches or spirit' I thought. ' It can ' Evan ( C.C ) said to me, through my mind, that made me jump. ' I forgot you can heard my thoughts ' I thought, and he smiled at me.

And the others explained the plan was, and was confusing for the most. ' Welp I think I have a better plan than this, ' I thought happily, and I explained to the others what did wrong.    

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