Chapter 18 : Meeting the Emilys

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Warning : Slight lime

Gregory's POV :

Well, the spirits just disappeared, already. When we were about to go back, then the spirits just appeared in front of us, causing me to jump and fall on Evan (C.C ). We looked at each other, and we blushed really hard. I got up and hand out my hand to Evan ( C.C ), and he took my hand, then I pulled him up. " Charlie, you can't just us like that, " Evan ( C.C ) said to the girl named, and I was confused. " I'm sorry Evan ( C.C ), but whatcha doing with your boyfriend, " asked Charlie, and me and Evan (C.C ) flustered. " Now, now, why don't we ask why they are here ? Hmm, Charlie, " said the man.

After a few minutes of explanation, the man named is Henry Emily, and Charlie Emily is his daughter. We talked for while, then my family showed up. " Gregory, there you are! We were looking for you, " said Freddy ( Michael . Then he saw Henry and Charlie, " Henry is that you, " he said, to Henry. " Michael, you are in animatronic, now, " Henry said to my father. My dad nodded, and Henry was shock, but Charlie wasn't. " Wow, more explaining to do, " I said sarcastically, and Evan ( C.C ) my hand then took me to somewhere private. Then pinned me against the wall, " What are you doing, Evan ( C.C ) " I asked, no answer instead he kissed me. I was shocked, but melted in.

Then we pulled away, " What was that for " I asked to Evan ( C.C ), and he answered " For being so sarcastic to the Emilys. " Then he grabbed me by the collar and kissed me again. The truth is Evan ( C.C ) is taller than me by a inch. But I'm short, though. Then we pulled away, and we looked at each other then blushed. " Let's not tell the others, " Evan ( C.C ) said, and I nodded in agreement. We went back to the others, and we were holding hand. When the others saw us, and I knew what they are thinking. " So, where did you two go, " my mom asked, and I was flustering really hard. The others laughed, and then me and Evan ( C.C ) started laugh too.
Then I started to get a headache, and passed out, again.

I woke up in the abyss, again. ' I had another of those stupid headache,' I said, and it echo in the water abyss. Then a room started to form, and I was outside of a old pizzeria. I saw Charlie as human, and standing outside of the rain. Then I saw my grandfather with a knife in his hand. He walked up to Charlie, and I tried warning her, but she can't heard me. When she saw my grandfather, " Uncle Will, my brother and Michael locked me outside, " she said to him. '' I'm sorry, Charlie. " Then he stabbed her in the neck, and she fell to the ground, as I watched in terror. 

Then the room changed again, to the backroom. My grandfather lead 5 children, and I recognized one of them, Cassidy. Then I saw them get murdered by him, and he stuffed them into animatronics. Then the floor collapsed, and I fell through. Then I fell on to the floor of the pizza plex. But it's the future, I got up and the place was a bit old, then I saw future version of me, fighting my grandfather. Then the future version, I sent a white blasted causing the place to go to ruin. Then I saw in the water abyss, again. I can't believe it, I saw both past and future. I need to stop my grandfather for good. Or else we don't know what he will do next.

I swim up to the surface, and it to land. I walked up and looked around. I went into the forest, and I know this forest. I saw this in Evan ( C.C )'s memories, and he loved the woods. Also, this the place my father brought me, my siblings and mom here. I also loved this place, but that all gone now. I walked around the forest, and saw the same river I loved. I walked up to it, and saw the same old water stream. Then I saw a tree with a craving into it, and I walked up to it. Then it hit me, I remember now I craved the tree when my parents weren't looking. It said : "When we have each other, we have everything.~ " 

I missed those memories, and I realized the thing my grandfather is missing is love. He was living in shame and regrets, and he need help. ' Maybe I can change his heart but how exactly ? ' I said, to myself. Then I sat down near the tree, and closed my eyes. 

Then I woke up in Freddy's room, and the only people were here, were my family, Evan ( C.C ) Cassidy and Noah. I sat up, and said " I'm sorry for worrying guys. " And they looked at my direction, " Gregory you got us worried sick, " said mom, and I looked at the ground. " I know, I know, but some reason I saw the past again. But I saw Charlie Emily death, and the 5 missing kids' death, and I don't know why I can see everyone's death, which happened in the past, " I said to everyone. The room went silent, and no one spoke a word. Then Evan ( my brother ) broke the silent, " Wait, you saw the deaths of the past, " he said, and I nodded. And my mom went worried to concerned

" What is that bad ? " I asked to her, and she nodded. " You want to know the reason your father was always so distant and cold toward you, " she said, and I nodded. " The reason is that because.... "

A/N : Haha, I AM SO MORE EVIL. I puts the chapter in a cliffhanger. But don't worry I will work on the next chapter. And have a great a day, everyone !

~ Silver moon

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