Epilogue : Surprise!

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2 years later...

15 years old Gregory woke up from his mindscape, and his boyfriend, Evan ( C.C ) was still asleep. Evan ( C.C ) had his arms around Gregory, and Gregory tried to wiggled free from his boyfriend but failed. ' Why is he so hard to get free from, ' Gregory thought. He tried again, and was successful. Gregory went to the bathroom for get ready for the day, but now since the defeat of Burntrap, his grandfather. His mom, Lily, decided Gregory will be homeschool these days. But he still hangs out with his best friend, Mark J. And the reason why Gregory is being homeschool, is because he can spends more time with his family.

Lily is happy that her own Family was finally reunion after 2 years ago. She was getting ready for surprise for Gregory. She was at the Mega pizza plex, but the Mega pizza plex is now days is the new HQ for Fazbears entertainment. She got to spend so much with her husband, Michael these days. Michael, her other children and her were getting ready to surprise Gregory.

Meanwhile in the Afton household ( New Generation )...

Gregory was eating his breakfast made by his mother who left early in the morning. After he finished, he went to check on GlamRock Bonnie who he repaired after a year ago with the help of his mom. " Bon, are you ready to go to the plex yet ?" he asked to Bonnie. Bonnie shook his head, as usual. Bonnie still fear Vanessa because she was formerly Vanny. " It's okay, Bon. Just tell us when your ready, bud, ok, " Gregory said, and Bonnie nodded then left the room. Then Gregory felt someone behind him, " Good morning to you too, love, " said Gregory as he turned around to see Evan ( C.C ).   

" Breakfast is on the table. My mom said we need to meet her at the plex later, " Gregory said to Evan ( C.C ). Evan ( C.C ) nodded and went to the diner room. I went to wake up Noah and Cassidy to get them ready for the day.

After waking up those two, he went back downstairs. " I wish my dad and my older siblings can live with us, " Gregory said, as went down the stairs. Evan ( C.C ) was waiting for him, " Aww, you are waiting for me, love " he said to Evan ( C.C ). Evan ( C.C ) just rolled his eyes, and then he smirked. ' Oh no, I know that look. I guess I need to start running, ' he thought as he was about to run, but Evan ( C.C ) grabbed his arm before he ran. " Oh, I forgot you can read my mind and communicate through it, " Gregory said. Then Evan ( C.C ) pinned Gregory the wall and Gregory blushed really hard, " Aww~ how cute when you blushed~ " Evan ( C.C ) teased Gregory.

" S-stop t-that, I s-swear E-, " but Gregory was cut off by kiss from Evan ( C.C ). Then they pulled away, and Gregory was blushed like tomato. " E-EVAN ( C.C ), " Gregory shouted at top of lungs and looked at the ground. But Evan ( C.C ) put his hand Gregory's chin, and lifted his head a little, then pulled Gregory into another kiss. This time, Gregory melted in and they pulled away. Then Evan ( C.C ) started to kiss Gregory's neck, and Gregory was trying not to moan. Then Evan ( C.C ) found Gregory's sweet spot, and started bite it. " E-E-Evan ( C.C ), p-please s-stop, " Gregory said between, but Evan ( C.C ) didn't stop. Gregory tried to not to moan, but Evan ( C.C ) whispered, " Moan~". Then Evan ( C.C ) bit harder, and Gregory moaned. Then Evan ( C.C ), and pulled Gregory into a kiss, and Gregory melted right in. They pulled away, and looked at each other. " Next time warn me when you are going to do that, " Gregory said and Evan ( C.C ) laughed.

They went on the couch and cuddled. " We need to go, soon, " Gregory said to Evan ( C.C ). " I know, love, " said Evan (C.C ). After Noah and Cassidy got ready for the day, they went to the plex. 30 minutes of driving to there, they got out of the car. " Lily want me and Noah to meet up with her for something, and we will call you guys when we are done, " said Cassidy, as they ran into the distant, leaving Gregory and Evan ( C.C ). Gregory touch his neck, and he had other hickey. " EVAN ( C.C ), you gave me another of those hickeys, again, " Gregory snapped at Evan ( C.C ) and Evan ( C.C ) just laughed. " Well, you deserved it, " he said, making Gregory angry. " You are cute when your mad~ " said Evan ( C.C ) to Gregory. When Gregory was about to say something, he got a call from his mom. " We need to meet up with the others, at the atrium " Gregory said.

They made their way to the atrium. They saw the others down below, by the main stage. The two lovebirds went to the main stage. " So, why do you need me for ? " Gregory said to his mom. " Look over there for moment, " said his mom, pointing at somewhere. " Mom, there nothing there, " Gregory said, then turned back to the others. Then to his surprised, he saw his father and older siblings human forms. " How did you get them a human form ? " Gregory asked, and his mom explained to him the day of the defeat of Burntrap. " After you losing so much blood, we put it in some bags and we gave it to your father and your older siblings. I know you mi-" then Lily was cut off by Gregory hugging her. " Thank you mom, for bring in my life and making happy again, " Gregory said, and the others joined in the big group hug.

The end!

A/N : Finally, I finished this story and oh, THIS BOOK GOT OVER 600 VIEWS!!!!!!!! Wow, that something, oh well but now I will started on my new book it's called My darling Child~. I will get it done as soon as possible. Bye my lovely constellations

~ Silver moon   

The son of Michael Afton ( Fnaf security breach )Where stories live. Discover now