Chapter 2|| The club 🥳

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To make this story more fun 😁 I'll be adding pictures made with AI but you're free to imagine the characters otherwise 😀.

This is my Ree 🤗

"Ree, wow you finally wore that dress. It looks..."

Ashley's squeeky loud voice came to a sharp stop as Levi bounced into the car beside me. She was seated in the front seat of her brother's car beside him, her head was turned towards the back seat where we sat. Her lips froze on the word 'looks' in a oval way, her brown eyes widened and stared in utter shock at Levi.

So this is Ashely, one of my 'SASSY SIX' best friends and the shortest amongst us, not including Sandra for special reasons. Ashley has extremely long hair, the longest in the entire school to be precise.

I snapped my fingers at Ashely's stunned frozen face not knowing how to start the introduction.

"Hello" Levi said with a smirk.

Liam, Ashely's Brother glanced back from the drivers seat with a confused expression. Oh Liam, all of sassy six members have a crush on him, of course expect Ashley since he's her brother. He's like the hottest African prince with his melting chocolate soft black skin and black wavy cut with a side parting. He wears a earring on his left ear, he has big developed music that almost rip through his cloths and he's only 24. He even has pimples that only make him look hotter with the cutest half crest dimples on both cheeks.

"You didn't tell us you'd be bringing a boyfriend... guy" he stated watching Levi with narrow eyes.

"Sorry I.." Levi and I said at ones.

I cleared my throat, "This is actually my..."

Step brother?. No. Hmm Uncle?. No.

"...he's my step mother's brother. They sort of just arrived today and hmm well I wanted him around a little bit. Sorry, is it cool?."

"Okay, he's not your boyfriend then" his expression softened "Sup dude?" Levi nodded back at him.

Ashely always tells she'd love to have a boyfriend but can't, because her brother would kill the guy and then her.

Ashely swallowed her shock finally, "Wh..wh...when? wha...?" she started at me questionably, I think trying to decide what to ask me first.

To save her the breath, "His name is Levi. He's from Germany. And they just moved in today and I wanted to tell you but I thought I'd be better to introduce him to you guys personally. And our last gateman sold out gen before running away and since there's no light there was no way to charge my phone which is dead" I explained as fast as I could as Liam ignited the engine.

Levi took a deep breath, "Hi, again."

"Hi. I'm... I'm Ash. Ashley. Ash for short. So nice way to start your first night here, wild club party."

"It's just a little night hangout and we'll be leaving there by midnight" Liam voiced still driving.

Ashely pulled a sarcastic face but dismissed it in three seconds to continue talking, "Since when have you been in Nigeria?. So you speak German?."

"Actually it's called deutsch. Yeah I do. And I've been here for a week."

"Nice. You uhn have a pretty cute face" Ashley blushed twirling her hair a little bit.

No, he has an extremely cute face with a guyish mustache on his upper lip. His skin was a sharp shade of light brown like Lilas', I'm guessing probably either their father or mother was black. The light brown was barely obvious with Lilas's skin, she's so white but on Levi, it's like a little tattoo.

A kiss for Ree ✔️Where stories live. Discover now