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Today we were going back to the old house to get things we needed out and see what we were going to do with the house. We drove my car and Indigo's other car to the bnb and we drove the truck back. We drove the truck back cuz it can hold more than those cars. Indigo and I came alone to do it. The kids are at school. Liyah and Naomi are in college so we decided to do it.

"We'll pack the clothes into boxes and I'll take them to the truck..." Indigo said

"Okay..." I said

We went into the kids room first to get their things and put them into boxes. She carried then downstairs. We were done with their rooms and we moved to our room. I put all our important shit up first and label the box. She took it down, put it in the truck, and came back up. We were putting our clothes in the boxes when I started smelling something burning.

"You smell that??" I asked Indigo

"Smell what??" She asked

I got up and she did too.

"Smell what baby??" She asked again

"Somethings burning..." I said as I headed out the room door

We went to the stairs and stopped. We had boxes of our clothes downstairs and they were on fire around the stairs. We couldn't get down from here.

"Indigo..." I said looking at her

She grabbed my hand to get a window to get out of.

"Indigo I can't get out the window. I'm too big..." I said panicking

"Baby calm down..." I said

"Where's your phone??" She asked

I pat myself down.

"Shit shit shit..." I said
"I left it downstairs..."

" I don't have mine either. FUCK..." she yelled pacing back and forth

I seen the fire making it's way upstairs.

"It's moving up Indigo..." I said as tears filled my eyes

"I'll go grab my phone call the fire station and come back up..." she says

"Indigo no don't leave..." I said grabbing her

"Mari I gotta go call for help..." she said

I was bawling but I calmed myself down and let her go. She kissed me and got down.


When I jumped down, I hurt my ankle.

"Shit..." I said holding my ankle

I heard sirens so I pulled myself up and seen the firetruck was coming around the corner. I was waving their hand so they could see me. They stopped and they started running to the house.

"INDIGO PLEASE!!" I heard Mari yelled

"MY WIFE IS IN THERE!!" I yelled

I heard some shit at the front of the house fall in. I heard the firefighters say something about it was caving in.

"No no no no..." I said hopping back around to the back window

Mari was at the window crying calling for me. I was bout to go back up, but a firefighter grabbed me.

"MAN LET ME GO MY WIFE'S UP THERE!!" I yelled tryna push him off

I hit my ankle.

"FUCK!!" I yelled

Mari was crying and I heard her coughing from all the smoke. I got out his grip and tried going back up but he grabbed me again. I pushed him off.

"We got men going up to get her. You have to calm down..." he said

"THE HOUSE IS CAVING IN..." I yelled with tears coming down my face

I'm fighting him to let me go as Mari still coughing, crying, and calling my name.

"SHE'S FUCKING PREGNANT!!" I yelled crying more

I couldn't get out his grip. I heard the house fall in more.

"HELP ME..." I heard Mari yell

She was yelling and it was breaking me inside that I couldn't help. They were trying to get into the inside but the fire blazing up more. In the window I seen Mari eyes slowly close and she dropped.

"NOOOOO!!" I cried out breaking down

I broke away from him, ran around the front and was bout to run into the house but they wouldn't let me. I was fighting, fighting, and fighting but I couldn't get through. My ankle was hurting and throbbing.

"WE FOUND HER!!" I heard

"BRING HER OUT!!" I yelled back with tears streaming down my face

The fire started blazing back up.

"WINDOW!!" I heard

I ran to the back no caring about my ankle. They were breaking the window to get her out. Her body was just laying in his arms, lifeless. She had black smut all over her. One man stepped out and the other man past Mari to him.

"I GOTTA DROP HER!!" He said as the house started falling in more

Windows started bussing and hitting them. The part of the roof they were own started cracking. The men wasn't back with the inflatable cushion.

"DROP HER!!" I yelled

It started cracking some more.

"PLEASE!!" I yelled crying

The roof cracked more.

"DROP HER PLEASE!!" I yelled

Soon as he took a step they fell through.


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