☺︎ ☞Dream☜ ☺︎||Breakfast in bed||

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(Sorry in advance for any typos. I just got my nails done, and am struggling to get used to typing ;-;)

Warnings : None

Category : Fluff

Idea : My own

Short chapter! They will get longer, as we get some genuine plots and ideas!


I woke up early in the morning, due to loud sounds coming from my kitchen. This startled me, as I live alone. I sat in fear for a moment, before slowly getting up, and walking out of my room.

I tiptoed, cautiously, into the kitchen, still in the sweatpants and sports bra that I wore to bed last night.

I peeked my head around the wall that separated me from whatever freak was in my house, only to see a tall blonde man, cooking.

"Clay?" I said confused, as I walked all the way into the kitchen.

"Mornin'!" He said, smiling.

"What the fuck are you doing here? It's— holy shit, it's 7am!" I half-yelled, due to my tiredness.

Clay chuckled. "I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed! But every restaurant was still closed, so I had to make it myself.." He said, smiling nervously.

I giggled, walking over to him, and standing on my tippy toes to give him a peck on the lips.

"Thank you, baby." I said smiling. "Anything I can help with?" I asked, looking over at what all he was cooking.

"Nono! You go relax. You've been working a ton, lately. You deserve a break!" He said, making me smile like a dork.

"It's ready!" Clay called from the kitchen. I got up from my comfortable position on the couch, and made my way into the dining room.

I walked in to see Clay already sitting down, a plate in front of him, as well as one by the seat next to him.

I sat down, before looking over to Clay, and speaking. "Thank you, love. You know you didn't have to do this, right?" I said, smiling.

"You're right. I didn't have to. I wanted to. And don't thank me, it's the least I could do! You do everything for me! I'd be a shitty boyfriend, not to at least make you breakfast!" He said, chuckling.

I smiled. A real, genuine smile.

After eating, we decided to watch a movie.

"Alright.. what're we watching?" I asked, wrapping myself up in both Clay's arms, and the millions of blankets that were piled on
top of us.

"Hmm.. The Little Mermaid?" He asked, making me laugh. "What are you, 12?" I asked,

(Under the tree! Bum bum, bum bum)

"What?! It's a good movie!!" He said, making me laugh harder.

(Indeed it is, Dream. 💪😤 only the real ones watch The Little Mermaid)

"Okay, okay!" I said, smiling. He clicked on the movie, and we began watching.

Around halfway through the movie, my eyes began to feel heavy. I tried my best to keep them open long enough to finish the movie, but was failing. Miserably.

I heard Clay chuckle quietly, before speaking. "You tired?" He asked, holding me tighter. "A little.." I said, yawning.

"Wanna take a nap together?" He asked. I nodded, smiling slightly.

"Let's go, then!" He said, picking me up bridal style. He carried me into my room, gently laying me down on my bed, before slithering himself under the sheets next to me.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. I snuggled myself into his chest, my face resting in the crook of his neck.

"I love you, Clay.." I said, my words muffled by his neck. He chuckled. "I love you too, Y/N." He said, kissing the top of my head.

And with that, we fell asleep.

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